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Criminal Defense Blog

Road Rage Crimes in Oklahoma Explained

Road rage crimes in Oklahoma are not really criminal in and of themselves. In Oklahoma, as in many other jurisdictions, “road rage” itself may not be a specific criminal offense. Instead, road rage refers to aggressive or violent behavior exhibited by drivers on the road. We all understand road rage and have probably been on both sides of the rage. It’s not uncommon for a person to be in traffic on a stressful day when someone cuts someone else off. In the wrong circumstances, this kind of… Read More

Oklahoma Peeping Tom Criminal Charges Explained

Oklahoma Peeping Tom criminal charges require that certain elements be present for peeping tom charges to stick.  Without these elements, the State cannot convict you of being a peeping tom.  These are under  Okla. Stat. tit. 21 §1171.  They include: – waiting or hiding – near another’s private dwelling or where privacy is expected (i.e. dressing room) -intending to secretly watch or view the victim. Basically, if you are watching a person who is expecting privacy and does not know you are watching, then you are committing… Read More

Prescription Drug Charges

Prescription drug charges are a reflection of the current prescription drug crises in Oklahoma. In 2014, the Oklahoma Legislature passed a number of laws regarding prescription pills.  These classify xanax, hydrocodone, and oxycodone as Schedule II drugs.  Further, the laws no longer allow doctors to prescribe certain narcotic pills for longer than 3 months.  The aim of such laws is to decrease the amount of abusers of prescription pills and hopefully reduce overdose deaths.  For people who find themselves facing punishment for illegal prescription pill use, the… Read More

Domestic Abuse Crimes in Tulsa Oklahoma

Domestic abuse crimes in Tulsa mirror many of the cases found throughout Oklahoma. Its a crime that occurs most often in the context of partners fighting or otherwise causing harm to each other. The crime can be enhanced depending on the degree of injury or if it was done in the presence of a minor child. The Courts in Oklahoma prosecute people charged with the crime and usually seek maximum sentences under the law. Currently the State of Oklahoma is caught between two different beliefs. One belief… Read More