Wagoner County Criminal Lawyers

Our Wagoner County Criminal Lawyers help people accused of crimes in Oklahoma. If you’ve been charged with a felony or misdemeanor call today

Our Wagoner County Criminal Lawyers have defended people accused of crimes in Wagoner Oklahoma few nearly twenty years. Its a traumatic experience dealing with criminal charges in Oklahoma. Depending on any prior convictions and the crime the State is accusing you of you could face jail time or a criminal record for all to see. Its easy for someone not faced with a conviction to simply brush it off as no beg deal. But, if you’re the one whose being charged wit the crime its an entirely different story. Fortunately for all of us there’s criminal defense attorneys who help protect the accused from potentially abusive Police abuse. If you’ve been charges with burglary crimes in Wagoner County this articular may be interesting to you. For any other criminal defense in Wagoner County read our blog for topics that speak to your situation.

Oklahoma First Degree Burglary

Burglary in the first degree is a serious offense in Wagoner Oklahoma. First degree Burglary is defined as when a person breaks and enters the dwelling house of another, in which there is at the time some human being, with the intent to commit a crime therein. “Breaking and entering” can be established by:

  • Forcibly bursting or breaking the wall, an outer door, window, or shutter of a window of such house; or
  • Breaking in any other manner, while armed with a dangerous weapon or aided by an accomplice; or
  • Unlocking an outer door by means of false keys or by picking a lock of such door, or by lifting a latch or opening a window

First degree burglary is punishable from 7 to 20 years of imprisonment in the Custody of the Department of Corrections. Under Oklahoma law, a person convicted of first degree burglary must serve at least 85% of their sentence.

Wagoner County Second Degree Burglary

If you break and enter the dwelling house of another, in which there is at the time no human being present, with the intent to steal or commit a felony, you are guilty of second degree burglary. Burglary in the second degree is punishable for up to 7 years of imprisonment.

Wagoner Criminal Defense Lawyers Near You

When you’ve been charged with a crime you don’t have to go it alone. Its a proven fact that the right criminal defense attorney can positively impact the outcome of your case. It doesn’t matter if its a felony or misdemeanor charge our Wagoner County Criminal Lawyers are in it for you. If you’ve been charged with a crime the Police and the District Attorneys Office is serious about trying to convict you. Our attorneys are serious about defending you, Call and get a free and confidential consultation today.

Criminal Defense Blog

What if My Minor Child is Charged With a Crime in Oklahoma

When a minor child is charged with a crime in Oklahoma, it can be a challenging and stressful experience for both the child and their family. The juvenile justice system operates differently from the adult criminal justice system, focusing more on rehabilitation than punishment. Understanding the process and options available can help parents navigate this difficult situation and advocate effectively for their child’s best interests. Key Steps in the Juvenile Justice Process If a minor is suspected of committing a crime, they may be arrested and taken… Read More

Tulsa Criminal Attorneys Discuss Larceny

This crime is one that comes in many different degrees and is different depending on the value of the property involved, who it was taken from and in some cases what type of property was involved together with whether it was day or night when the property was taken.. In Oklahoma the statutory reference for this type of criminal offense is Title 21 Section 1701 When the State charges you with larceny it must prove two things. First it must prove that you took the personal property… Read More

Prescription Drug Charges

Prescription drug charges are a reflection of the current prescription drug crises in Oklahoma. In 2014, the Oklahoma Legislature passed a number of laws regarding prescription pills.  These classify xanax, hydrocodone, and oxycodone as Schedule II drugs.  Further, the laws no longer allow doctors to prescribe certain narcotic pills for longer than 3 months.  The aim of such laws is to decrease the amount of abusers of prescription pills and hopefully reduce overdose deaths.  For people who find themselves facing punishment for illegal prescription pill use, the… Read More

Are Larceny Crimes in Oklahoma A Felony Or Misdemeanor?

Larceny Crimes in Oklahoma are serious crimes that could land a person in jail or with a criminal record. There are many types of larceny in Oklahoma. The offense could be considered either a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on what kind of larceny you are charged with. It is essential to understand precisely what classification of larceny you are being charged with. Because of the range of larceny offenses, your larceny charge could result in serious jail time.  How Is Larceny Defined In Oklahoma? In legal… Read More