Communities We Serve

Communities We Serve

Our Oklahoma Criminal Defense Attorneys represent clients charged with a crime throughout Oklahoma. The communities we serve is as diverse as the crimes we defend our clients against. From misdemeanor charges on to felony crimes our Oklahoma criminal defense attorneys can handle them all.

Broken Arrow Criminal Lawyers

Creek County Criminal Lawyers

Craig County Criminal Lawyers

Washington County Criminal Lawyers

Wagoner County Criminal Lawyers

Coweta Criminal Lawyers

Catossa Criminal lawyers

Cherokee County Criminal Lawyers

Delaware County Criminal Lawyers

Haskell County Criminal Lawyers

Hughes County Criminal Lawyers

Mayes County Criminal Lawyers

Muskogee Criminal Lawyers

Mcintosh County Criminal Lawyers

Okmulgee County Criminal Lawyers

Okfuskee County Criminal Lawyers

Payne County Criminal Lawyers

Rogers County Criminal Lawyers

Washington County Ok Criminal Lawyers

Osage County Criminal Lawyers

Oklahoma Criminal Defense Attorneys Near You

As you can see the communities we serve in Oklahoma is wide spread. If you’ve been charged with a crime in Oklahoma you don’t have to go through it alone. Our Criminal defense attorneys have the experience and determination that you need to get you through this hard time. Its doesn’t matter if its a felony or a misdemeanor we can do it. It doesn’t matter in what Oklahoma County Court your’re case is in we’ve been there before. Call the Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Law Firm for a free consultation 918-416-0358

Criminal Defense Blog

Possession of a Stolen Vehicle in Oklahoma

 Possession of a Stolen Vehicle in Oklahoma: As you can probably guess, possession of a stolen vehicle is a crime.  Under 47 Okl.St.Ann. § 4-103, there must be certain factors present before the court can convict you on the charge.  These include: – You must know the vehicle is stolen; – Have possession of the vehicle; and – You cannot have any legal grounds to have the vehicle. “Legal grounds” would be that you legitimately believe you bought the vehicle or the vehicle is yours and you… Read More

What Is A Dui Field Sobriety Test and Can I beat a Dui Based On This in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma a DUI field sobriety test is a series of physical and cognitive tests administered by law enforcement officers to assess a driver’s level of impairment due to alcohol or drugs. The officer typically conducts these tests roadside, often after a traffic stop, to help determine whether there is probable cause to believe a driver is under the influence. The officers testing you have a requirement to be trained and are supposed to meet national standards. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recognizes this training…. Read More

Expungement Seals Your Criminal Record in Tulsa Oklahoma

Oklahoma Expungement Seals your Criminal Record as if the crime never happened. Having your name in court records for a felony or misdemeanor can be troubling and inconvenient in various aspects of life: applying for a new job, seeking educational opportunities, renting or buying a home, or passing background checks. In addition, having your brush with the law available to the public eye can interfere with your personal relationships and reputation. In Oklahoma, the process of expungement can remove or change a court record of a criminal… Read More

Oklahoma Felony DUI After McGirt Ruling

Felony DUI after McGirt may be a thing of the past for Tribe members in Oklahoma. As many of us know the United States Supreme Court recently ruled on the now famous case of McGirt v. State of Oklahoma. The case dealt with major crimes committed by Tribe members that occurred on Tribal lands. The tribal lands in question encompass the majority of Northeast Oklahoma including Tulsa County. The gist of the argument is that most of Eastern Oklahoma remains part of Native American lands belonging to… Read More