Mayes County Criminal Lawyers

Assault In The Presence of A Minor

Our Mayes County Criminal Lawyers defend clients throughout Oklahoma that are charged with both felony and misdemeanor cases. If you’ve been charged with domestic assault and battery read on. Otherwise look through our criminal lawyers blog for cases that relate tiy yours. Just last year, a Stillwater resident repeatedly struck the mother of his child with a two-by-four on the head and hand. This caused her her great bodily injury which required 14 staples to close her wounds. The man only stopped his attack after the victim’s eight-year-old son cried out for him. He then sliced his wrist with a steak knife and ran off into the woods.

Nevertheless, the Stillwater Police Department were able to track the suspect down with a canine. At trial, the man attempted to argue that the victim had injured herself. The physician who treated the victim said this was highly unlikely. In any event, the man received a 2 year prison sentence and received no credit for the time he spent in jail awaiting trial.

Getting charged with a crime is a rough spot to be in, especially if you go in alone. Our office helps with all types of criminal charges. Also known as “domestic assault and battery”, domestic abuse is a serious crime. Read on to learn about domestic abuse in Oklahoma.

Domestic Abuse in Mayes County

In Oklahoma, 49% of women and 40% of men have experienced violence with an intimate partner at some point in their lives. In order to be convicted of domestic abuse, the prosecution must show a willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon a person who is a(n):

  • current or former spouse
  • child, regardless of blood-relation
  • parent
  • foster parent
  • boyfriend/girlfriend
  • current or former roomate/housemate
  • ex-boyfriend or girlfriend

Victims do not need to hide in the shadow of abuse. In emergency situations, call 911 or get a hold of law enforcement officials who can respond to these crimes.

Criminal Punishments in Mayes County

Upon conviction, you can be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 1 year, or by a fine not exceeding $5,000, or by both. A second or subsequent offense is punshable for up to 4 years of imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections, a fine of $5,000, or both.

Mayes County Domestic Abuse Attorneys

Our Mayes County Criminal Lawyers know relationships can become rocky. We’ve been dealing with domestic abuse cases for years now. Regardless of our client’s history we will provide the best representation. In criminal cases such as domestic abuse we’ll assist you every step of the way. Call us today for a free consultation.

Criminal Defense Blog

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Road Rage Crimes in Oklahoma Explained

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What Is Post-Conviction Relief in a Criminal Case in Oklahoma?

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What are the Charges for Passing a Stopped School Bus in Tulsa?

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