Creek County Criminal Lawyers

Creek County Criminal Lawyers

Our Creek County Criminal Lawyers help people who’ve been charged with a crime in Oklahoma. We defend clients with assault charges, traffic violations, drug-related charges, theft and fraud, arson, white collar crimes, DUI/DWI charges, and more. Our criminal defense attorneys provide powerful advocacy for our clients. If you need effective legal representation that will fight for you call us today for a free and confidential consultation.

Types of Crimes in Creek County

There are two types of crimes in Oklahoma. A felony is one of them and is punishable by death or imprisonment in excess of one year. The other kind is a misdemeanor, which carries lighter penalties but is still very undesirable. Both felonies and misdemeanors could land you in jail. You can bet that the District attorneys office in Creek County is determined to convict you. If they are successful the impact of a criminal conviction on your life can be devastating. Not only do you face the real prospect of a jail sentence many other areas of your life are affected. The fines and costs alone are astronomical. Additionally your family life and sometimes even your child custody arrangements are damaged.

Creek County Misdemeanors and Felonies

Just like a felony, a misdemeanor will go on your criminal record. The costs and jail time are generally less for a misdemeanor offense. A misdemeanor can result in a deferred sentence or up to 1 year in jail. Criminal misdemeanors in Oklahoma include first time driving under the influence (DUI), leaving a child unattended in a car, assault and battery (depending on the severity), unlawful possession of a firearm, stalking, simple drug possession, shoplifting, and other offenses. It is important to note that some of these crimes may be considered felonies depending on the specific nature and seriousness of the criminal charge. For instance, assault and battery is both a misdemeanor and a felony crimes. The charge will be one or the other based on the severity of the conduct. The important thing to understand is that a felony is more difficult to expunge from your criminal record and it may land you in jail for in excess of one year.

Creek County Criminal Lawyers Near You

You do not need to carry the burden of a criminal conviction. We can represent you in court or assist you with getting a past offense expunged from your record. New laws in Oklahoma have opened the doors for convictions and court records to be sealed from the public. If you have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor in Creek County, speak with one of our Creek County Criminal Lawyers who can answer your questions.

Criminal Defense Blog

What If I Get a DUI With a Gun In The Car in Oklahoma

Getting a DUI with a gun in the car complicates traditional DUI charges. Being charged with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) is a serious offense in Oklahoma. However, the combination of DUI and possession of a firearm can lead to additional charges and more severe penalties. Understanding the legal implications and potential defenses is crucial for anyone facing this situation. DUI and Firearm Possession Laws In Oklahoma, a person can be charged with a DUI if they are found operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol… Read More

What Are Oklahoma Trespassing Laws

Oklahoma trespassing laws refer to the unauthorized entry onto someone else’s property. The laws regarding this kind of crime are very broad and many people can violate trespassing laws without any real intention to do so. The punishment for this kind of criminal offense can vary depending on several different factors. Additionally, some of those factors include whether the trespasser had intent to commit a crime on the property and if the offender knew they were trespassing. . Types of Trespassing in Oklahoma: Oklahoma Laws and Punishment:… Read More

Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Examine Violation of Protective Orders

Violation of Protective orders is a criminal offense. Protective Orders are intend to protect individuals from an abuser or potential aggressor. Commonly, after being served with a protective order, people often have questions about why. This means they will attempt contact with the supposed victim. However, this is violation a protective orders and could land the accused in jail. While protective orders are typical for situations involving domestic abuse or stalking, sometimes people attempt to use them for leverage in custody or divorce battles. If a protective… Read More

What Are Crimes That Can’t Be Expunged in Oklahoma?

Knowing what crimes that can’t be expunged in Oklahoma is crucial if you are looking to wipe your slate clean. If you have a criminal record in Oklahoma, certain charges can removed from your history, but not all. This is an expungement, and while it can offer a fresh start for many, not all crimes are eligible for this process. This can impact your long-term ability to clear your record. This article will dive into the various offenses an expungement can’t get rid of. For other legal… Read More