Convictions for Domestic Violence And place Immigration status in serious peril . As an immigrant in Oklahoma, facing criminal charges can be a daunting experience, especially when charged with domestic violence. It’s not just the criminal case you have to worry about; your immigration status is also at stake. This post covers the connection between criminal charges and immigration status and how an individual can defend against charges. Deportation Due To Domestic Violence Charges for Domestic violence and your immigration status (e.g., assault and battery of a… Read More
Assault and battery
Explaining Child Abuse Charges in Oklahoma
In 2021 an Oklahoma woman was arrested for child abuse. Police say she dressed as a witch to torture and abuse her 7 year old grand-daughter. The woman would wear a mask and call herself “Nelda” when she beat the girl. The girl also recounts being hung from the garage ceiling by her arms, having food withheld, and having to sleep with the dogs. Authorities also noticed burns, bruising, and a severe case of ringworm on the child. Child Abuse charges are extremely serious. If you are… Read More
What Are The Degrees Of Robbery Crimes In Oklahoma
In Oklahoma, robbery crimes are categorized into different degrees based on the severity of the offense and other various factors. Both first and second degree robbery are serious crimes that can land you in jail for a considerable time. Which degree they charge you under makes a big difference. Sometimes this is where considerable arguments occur between your attorney and the prosecutor in the county you receive the charge in. Here are the degrees of robbery crimes in Oklahoma: First-Degree Robbery in Oklahoma: First-degree robbery charges are… Read More
What Is Domestic Assault In The Presence of A Minor in Oklahoma
In Oklahoma, domestic assault in the presence of a minor occurs when an individual commits an assault or battery against a family or household member in the presence of a child who is under the age of 16. This can include acts of physical violence, threats of violence, or any behavior that creates a fear of imminent harm. Regarding the law of assault and battery this law has many types of variations and potential levels of punishment if convicted of the crime. From simple misdemeanor charges to… Read More
Things To Know About Obstructing an Officer Charges in Oklahoma
Obstructing an officer charges in Oklahoma typically refer to actions or behaviors that hinder or interfere with law enforcement officers or other authorities while they are performing their official duties. Generally the charge can grow out of simply getting in the way of a criminal investigation or any action made by the Police acting in their official capacity. The Police use this charge broadly and have the tendency to overcharge it. Obstruction of justice is a criminal offense in Oklahoma, and the specific penalties can vary depending… Read More
What is A Resisting Arrest Charge in Tulsa Oklahoma
In Oklahoma, a resisting arrest charge is typically classified as a misdemeanor, specifically a misdemeanor of the second degree. The specific statute that covers resisting arrest in Oklahoma is Title 21, Section 540 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Under this law, it is illegal to knowingly resist, by force or violence, an arrest, attempts at arrest, or detention by a law enforcement officer. This kind of charge can grow out of a simple interaction with Police that goes bad. Perhaps the Police officer at the scene treated the… Read More
Road Rage Crimes in Oklahoma Explained
Road rage crimes in Oklahoma are not really criminal in and of themselves. In Oklahoma, as in many other jurisdictions, “road rage” itself may not be a specific criminal offense. Instead, road rage refers to aggressive or violent behavior exhibited by drivers on the road. We all understand road rage and have probably been on both sides of the rage. It’s not uncommon for a person to be in traffic on a stressful day when someone cuts someone else off. In the wrong circumstances, this kind of… Read More