In Oklahoma, robbery crimes are categorized into different degrees based on the severity of the offense and other various factors. Both first and second degree robbery are serious crimes that can land you in jail for a considerable time. Which degree they charge you under makes a big difference. Sometimes this is where considerable arguments occur between your attorney and the prosecutor in the county you receive the charge in. Here are the degrees of robbery crimes in Oklahoma:
First-Degree Robbery in Oklahoma:
First-degree robbery charges are by far the most serious felony robbery crimes in Oklahoma. The main difference in robbery one is that it includes the use or threat force in the commission of the crime. Additionally, first-degree robbery involves those cases where the accused robber was armed and used or brandished a deadly or dangerous weapon. First-degree robbery is a violent felony. This means that they include certain sentencing guidelines, like 85% time served for sentencing. Additionally a violent perpetrator may not be able to expunge the record.
Second-Degree Robbery:
Second-degree robbery is a less severe form of robbery in comparison to first-degree robbery, but is still serious and will subject the accused to jail time. Like first degree second degree also involves the use of force or threats during the commission of the crime. The difference is that in the course of the robbery there is no harm or bodily injury to the victim. Second-degree robbery also encompasses situations where the perpetrator uses force or fear to take property from another person or from their presence. While second-degree robbery is still a serious offense, the penalties may be less severe than those for first-degree robbery.
Felony Robbery Crimes In Oklahoma
Both first-degree and second-degree robbery are felony offenses in Oklahoma and can result in significant legal consequences, including imprisonment and fines. The penalty considers the perpetrators prior criminal history and in particular if that history includes other violent crimes. Also, and very importantly the penalty looks at the serious harm of the victim, if at all, and if and what kind of weapons were in use during the commission of the crime. It’s essential for individuals facing robbery charges in Oklahoma to seek legal representation to understand their rights and options for defense.
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Tulsa Robbery Attorneys Near You
Robbery crimes are among some of the worst types of crimes you can be charged with in Oklahoma or any other jurisdiction can be some of the worst kinds of charges to deal with. The specter of long jail sentence together with it being an 85% crime only makes things worse. When your defending yourself against a robbery charge its important to get across to the district attorneys office that wait might have looked like threats of great bodily injury are not that at all. Its skilled defense attorneys that can mold facts and situations into a solid defense. For a free consultation with a Tulsa robbery attorney contact Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Law Firm at 918.416.0358