What Is An Alford Plea In a Tulsa Oklahoma Criminal Defense Case?

Alford Plea In Oklahoma

An Alford Plea is one of the plea options offered in Oklahoma. This allows a defendant to plead guilty while still maintaining their innocence. Named after the U.S. Supreme Court case North Carolina v. Alford, this type of plea is unique because the defendant does not explicitly admit to committing the crime but acknowledges that the prosecution has enough evidence to likely secure a conviction. How Does an Alford Plea Work? In Oklahoma, an Alford plea is considered a guilty plea for legal purposes. However, the defendant… Read More

What is a Oklahoma Pardon and How Does It Benefit Me?

Batson Challenge in Criminal Trials

Our Oklahoma Pardon Lawyers get the job done. If you have a criminal record, you may be wondering about the possibility of getting a pardon. A pardon is an official forgiveness for committing a crime, but it’s more than just a symbolic gesture. It can have real, tangible benefits for your life moving forward. Understanding the Pardon In Oklahoma, a pardon is an act of clemency that officially forgives you for the crime you were convicted of. It is granted by the Governor, based on a recommendation… Read More

How Do I Expunge a Misdemeanor Record in Oklahoma?

Discovery Process In A Criminal Case

If you have a misdemeanor record in Oklahoma and are considering sealing it, you might be wondering about the steps involved and how you expunge a misdemeanor record. Expungement can offer you a fresh start, free from the burdens that come with a criminal record. Through the use of a section 18 expungement you can seal the criminal misdemeanor as if it never happened. The following information addresses the process, so you know what to expect. Understanding Expungement Expungement is the process of sealing or erasing a… Read More

What Are Crimes That Can’t Be Expunged in Oklahoma?

Knowing what crimes that can’t be expunged in Oklahoma is crucial if you are looking to wipe your slate clean. If you have a criminal record in Oklahoma, certain charges can removed from your history, but not all. This is an expungement, and while it can offer a fresh start for many, not all crimes are eligible for this process. This can impact your long-term ability to clear your record. This article will dive into the various offenses an expungement can’t get rid of. For other legal… Read More

Navigating the Criminal Appeals Process for Wrongful Convictions in Oklahoma

Domestic Violence And Immigration

The Criminal Appeals Process in Oklahoma allows for appeals related to reversable error. In a perfect legal system, every conviction would be just, based on undeniable evidence and conducted with the utmost fairness. However, the reality is that wrongful convictions can and do occur, leading to innocent individuals facing the consequences of crimes they didn’t commit. When such a travesty happens, the criminal appeals process becomes a beacon of hope for those seeking exoneration and justice. In the state of Oklahoma, understanding how to navigate this process… Read More

What’s The Difference Between a Deferred vs. Suspended Sentence in Tulsa

Deferred vs. Suspended Sentence

The difference between a deferred vs. suspended sentence is like the difference between day and night. When you are being accused of a crime in Oklahoma the stakes are high. The decision on whether to take the case to trial or take a plea deal is heavy on your mind. Among many factors impacting your decision is the strength of the States evidence and the plea deals on the table. Many people believe that a deferred and suspended criminal sentence are the same.  This is not true. … Read More

How To Get Felony Expungement in Oklahoma

Understanding Section 18 Expungement in Oklahoma A person can get a felony expungement in Oklahoma but they must qualify. There are a few different kinds of expungements in Oklahoma. The must effective expungement that seals you criminal record is a section 18 expungement. This expungement is different than a deferred sentence expungement otherwise know as a 991C. In Oklahoma, Section 18 felony expungement in Oklahoma refers to a specific provision under the state’s expungement laws that allows individuals to seal certain criminal records from public view. Further,… Read More

What Are Oklahoma Trespassing Laws

Application to Revoke or Application to Accelerate

Oklahoma trespassing laws refer to the unauthorized entry onto someone else’s property. The laws regarding this kind of crime are very broad and many people can violate trespassing laws without any real intention to do so. The punishment for this kind of criminal offense can vary depending on several different factors. Additionally, some of those factors include whether the trespasser had intent to commit a crime on the property and if the offender knew they were trespassing. . Types of Trespassing in Oklahoma: Oklahoma Laws and Punishment:… Read More

New Expungement Laws in Oklahoma

Batson Challenge in Criminal Trials

The New Expungement Laws in Oklahoma make sealing your criminal record much easier. For those who have a criminal record in Oklahoma, the new changes to expungement laws taking effect November 2019 come as good news indeed. While there are still limitations on who is eligible and what records can be expunged, it is now possible for many more people to have their criminal records expunged. This leads the way to many benefits, like being able to find a higher paying job because there is no longer… Read More

Expungement Seals Your Criminal Record in Tulsa Oklahoma

False Personation Charge

Oklahoma Expungement Seals your Criminal Record as if the crime never happened. Having your name in court records for a felony or misdemeanor can be troubling and inconvenient in various aspects of life: applying for a new job, seeking educational opportunities, renting or buying a home, or passing background checks. In addition, having your brush with the law available to the public eye can interfere with your personal relationships and reputation. In Oklahoma, the process of expungement can remove or change a court record of a criminal… Read More