Okmulgee County Criminal Lawyers

Tulsa County Computer Crimes

Our Okmulgee County Criminal Lawyers deliver results. When you’ve been charged with a crime in Oklahoma its as if the walls are closing in on you. Its difficult to get through the next second with the threat of a criminal conviction hanging over you. Fortunately for you our Okmulgee County criminal lawyers are there to help. Over nearly twenty years of fighting for the rights of those charged with a crime we’ve seen it all. From simple misdemeanor charges on up to the most serious of felony charges we have the experience you need. If you’ve been charged with aggravated assault and battery in Okmulgee County read on. Otherwise read or criminal defense blog for information regarding other crimes in Oklahoma.

Okmulgee County Aggravated Assault and Battery

According to Tit. 21 Section 646 assault and battery becomes aggravated when either two of the following occur:

  • A person inflicts great bodily injury upon the victim; or
  • A person of robust health or strength commits an assault and battery upon an aged, decrepit, or incapacitated person.

If you’re convicted of aggravated assault and battery Oklahoma law requires that you must serve at least 85% of your sentence prior to becoming eligible for parole. Aggravated assault and battery is punishable by a maximum of 5 years imprisonment in the State Penitentiary, 1 year in the County Jail, a fine no more than $500, or both fine and imprisonment.

Okmulgee County Criminal Lawyers Near You

When you’ve been charged with a crime you need to get serious about the criminal defense help. For the State of Oklahoma to get their conviction they must prove every element of the crime.Many people charged with a crime simply rollover and plead guilty. What they don’t always get is that its not at all uncommon for the prosecutor to over charge people hoping to intimidate you into a plea. We don’t fall for it. If they’ve charged with a crime and overcharged it we’ll fight. Call today and get a free consultation with an Okmulgee County Criminal Lawyer  

Criminal Defense Blog

New Expungement Laws in Oklahoma

The New Expungement Laws in Oklahoma make sealing your criminal record much easier. For those who have a criminal record in Oklahoma, the new changes to expungement laws taking effect November 2019 come as good news indeed. While there are still limitations on who is eligible and what records can be expunged, it is now possible for many more people to have their criminal records expunged. This leads the way to many benefits, like being able to find a higher paying job because there is no longer… Read More

Tulsa Lawyers Discuss Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Leaving the scene of an accident is illegal in Oklahoma.  However, we all know the stories.  Someone hits another vehicle, or in some cases a pedestrian, and flees the scene.  Whether fleeing the scene because of shock or in an attempt to avoid punishment, let us help.  Conversely, if you have been the victim of a hit-and-run, we are also here to help. What “Leaving the Scene of an Accident” Means: When an accident occurs, the people involved have several obligations under Oklahoma Statute 47 §10-104.  First… Read More

Assault and Battery on an Officer

In March of 2017 a Broken Arrow English professor was arrested on complaints of running a red light and driving under the influence.  While handcuffed during the arrest, the teacher lunged at the arresting officer.  He hit the officer with the handcuffs and tried to continue physically attacking the officer.  This resulted in felony Assault and Battery on an Officer charges.  If you find yourself in a situation like this, the following article explains the legal ramifications and what you may face. LAWS:  Assault and Battery on… Read More

Driving With a Suspended License

Driving with a Suspended License in Tulsa or anywhere in Oklahoma is a crime. Recent news media has focused additional attention on the crime. A motorcyclist died in May 2016 when hit from behind by a man driving under suspension.  The driver of the car, Mario Cherry, had a suspended license due to previous charges.  Further, he has a record of 23 arrests in the last 24 years.  Mr. Cherry was free on bail regarding a robbery charge when the accident took place reports News OK.  Because… Read More