Delaware County Criminal Lawyers

For years now, our Delaware County Criminal Lawyers have been getting the best results for our clients. Here’s something to keep it mind. If you’re arrested it is crucial to avoid speaking with any law enforcement. You have a 5th Amendment right, use it and keep your mouth shut! Do not take take this advice lightly. Prosecutors will use anything you’ve said to police in order to obtain a conviction. The only person you need to talk to is a lawyer who can protect your rights and help your case. Many of our clients need help with burglary charges. If that’s you read on otherwise read our blog for other useful information. We know that this is a scary charge to face and not treated like a regular property crime.

First Degree Burglary in Delaware County

In general, the crime of burglary is breaking and entering to a dwelling space with the intent to commit a theft or other crime. First-degree burglary is the most serious form of burglary. Any person who breaks into and enters the dwelling house of another, in which there is at the time some human being, with intent to commit some crime therein, either:

1. By forcibly busting or breaking the wall, or an outer door, window, or shutter of a window of such house or the lock or bolts of such door, or the fastening of such window or shutter; or

2. By breaking in any other manner, being armed with a dangerous weapon or being assisted by one or more confederates then actually present; or

3. By unlocking an outer door by means of false keys or by picking the lock thereof, or by lifting a latch or opening a window, is guilty of burglary in the first degree.

Breaking and Entering in Delaware County

The crime of burglary has less to do with stealing and more to do with breaking and entering. Therefore, the intended crime does not even have to be theft, just a crime. For instance, breaking and entering with the intent to commit a sexual assault would qualify as burglary.

Punishment for First Degree Burglary

First degree burglary is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 7 to 20 years. This felony is one of Oklahoma’s “85 percent Crimes” which means that you’ll serve at least 85 percent of your sentence before being considered for parole. Best case scenario, you have to serve just under 6 years. Hiring a lawyer is the best way to try and avoid an overly burdensome sentence or to defend against your liability altogether.

Delaware County Burglary Lawyers

Our Delaware County Criminal Lawyers are in the business of defending clients with theft-related charges. We know that a conviction of first-degree burglary could mean the end of the world to someone. When there’s a client who needs their side heard , we are there to bat for them. There’s no need to go in alone. Call us today for a free consultation regarding your case.

Criminal Defense Blog

Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Discusses Domestic Assault and Battery

May times persons involved in a relationship find themselves in arguments that develop in to what the state considers domestic assault and battery. In many of the cases we have handled the partner that was injured doesn’t really want to prosecute the case because the incident that occurred amounted to nothing more than an argument that spiraled out of control. In still others the partner wants the other prosecuted to the full extent of the law. In the event that you were arrested for a domestic assault and… Read More

Oklahoma Indecent Exposure Crimes

Oklahoma Indecent Exposure Crimes can cause you your freedom. In February of 2017, a Pawhuska substitute teacher was charged with indecent exposure. She told a class of high school students that she was not wearing underwear, then proceeded to do cartwheels in front of the class while wearing a skirt. A student uploaded the Snapchat online and as a result the teacher was arrested. The punishments for Oklahoma indecent exposure crimes are actually quite harsh. They are more strict than a simple misdemeanor charge. Read on to… Read More

How Do I Fight Sexual Assault Charges in Oklahoma

Facing sexual assault charges in Oklahoma is a serious situation that requires a strategic and well-prepared defense. The consequences of a conviction can be severe, including lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, and lifelong stigma. Understanding the legal process and possible defense strategies is crucial for anyone charged with sexual assault. Here, we’ll discuss what these charges mean, the legal process, and possible defenses. Understanding Sexual Assault Charges Sexual assault in Oklahoma encompasses a range of offenses, including rape, sexual battery, and other forms of non-consensual sexual contact…. Read More

How Long Can My Jailtime Be For A Bench Warrant in Oklahoma

Many ask about the length of jailtime for a bench warrant. In Oklahoma, a bench warrant is issued when you fail to appear in court or comply with court orders. This gives law enforcement the authority to arrest you and bring you before the court. The length of jail time resulting from a bench warrant depends on the reason the warrant was issued. It also depends on the severity of the underlying offense, and whether you are charged with additional crimes. Bench Warrants for Misdemeanor Offenses If… Read More