Rogers County Criminal Lawyers

Deferred vs. Suspended Sentence

Our Rogers County Criminal Lawyers fight CDS drug charges in Oklahoma. In perhaps no other County in Oklahoma is the District Attorneys Office more determined to convict you of a drug charge than in Rogers County. In particular, since the laws pertaining to CDS drug crimes have changed, Rogers County seems dead set on continuing to convict people of CDS drug crimes. Its as if they believe the law is incorrect and its their mission to circumvent it at every turn possible. When you’ve been charged with possession of CDS drugs its charged as as a misdemeanor. But there are instances when the State tries to turn the misdemeanor drug possession into a felony. Once again in Rogers County the prosecutor seems to bend over backwards to charge the misdemeanor as a felony.

CDS Drug Crimes in Rogers County Oklahoma

Oklahoma House Bill 780 made most drug possession crimes in Oklahoma simple felony’s. This means that drug possession cases involving marijuana, cocaine and meth as well as heroin and all other drugs are charged as misdemeanor crimes.It means that if you’re convicted of CDS drug possession in Oklahoma you cannot be punished by more than one year in jail and a maximum of fines and costs.If you’re convicted after a jury trial or you plead guilty you’ll receive either a deferred or a suspended sentence. Which one you plead to depends on the facts of your case. 

Drug Possession With Intent in Rogers County

If you’re found to be in possession of CDS drugs and certain circumstances exist the District Attorney in Rogers County will be thrilled to enhance the misdemeanor to a felony. This is the one way that they can score big on your CDS drug charge. The State will sometimes go to the ends of the planet to show that you were dealing the drug not just using it. How they do this is through using the facts of the arrest and if you had implements that showed your intent to distribute. Or they may show it by evidence of you selling the CDS drug. 

Rogers County Criminal Defense Near You

Our Rogers County Criminal Lawyers fight both felony and misdemeanor crimes in Oklahoma. If you’ve been charged with a crime make the decision to fight. This is done with the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney who doesn’t simply throw in the towel and take the deal offered by the prosecutor in Claremore. Call and get a free and totally confidential consultation 918-416-0358

Criminal Defense Blog

Navigating DUI Defense Strategies in Oklahoma

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Failing to Pay Criminal Fines and Applications to Revoke

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How Long Can My Jailtime Be For A Bench Warrant in Oklahoma

Many ask about the length of jailtime for a bench warrant. In Oklahoma, a bench warrant is issued when you fail to appear in court or comply with court orders. This gives law enforcement the authority to arrest you and bring you before the court. The length of jail time resulting from a bench warrant depends on the reason the warrant was issued. It also depends on the severity of the underlying offense, and whether you are charged with additional crimes. Bench Warrants for Misdemeanor Offenses If… Read More

What is a Fourth Amendment Search or Seizure?

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