Misdemeanor Crimes

Tulsa Misdemeanor Lawyers | Tulsa Criminal Lawyers

If you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor in Oklahoma there the  potential for a jail sentence. Crimes are categorized as either a misdemeanor or a felony. A misdemeanor crime is publishable by up to one year in the Tulsa County Jail. Depending on the crime, we can help to get the charges dismissed or reduced or expunged. When you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor crime don’t go it alone. Do the research and hire experienced Tulsa Misdemeanor lawyers.

Misdemeanor Criminal Defense Attorney:

Under Oklahoma State law, crimes are generally classified as misdemeanors or felonies. Misdemeanors are punishable by up to one year in county jail, a $500 fine, or probation. The court has the discretion to impose jail sentences, fines, or both.

Common Misdemeanor Charges in Tulsa:

  • DUI or DWI Drunk driving offenses,
  • Assault and Battery
  • Domestic Assault and Battery
  • Possession of CDS Marijuana
  • Larceny From a Retailer, Shoplifting

Tulsa Misdemeanor Process:

  •  Arrest & Booking

When a police officer takes you into custody, meaning you are not free to leave because the police officer has placed you under arrest, you’ll be taken down to the police station for booking (the process of putting you in jail). At the police station, you’ll be photographed, fingerprinted, and placed in a cell. You may be released depending on the nature of the crime and how quickly your bail bond is set. If this occurs, you will have to return to court on the date they give you.

  •  Arraignment

At the arraignment, you’ll be given a copy of the information. This is the charging document and it lists the crimes charged. At this appearance I will plead you not guilty and verify the information in the charging documents. This is when we’re given our conference date with the next Judge in your case.

  • Discovery

Your attorney will make a discovery request to receive all documents and records in police custody pertaining to the charge against you. This includes police reports and witness statements. During the discovery process, your Tulsa criminal lawyer will review the strength of the prosecutor’s case. We’ll also sit down and discuss a realistic strategy for moving the case forward.

  • Conference

At the conference, I’ll meet with the Tulsa County assistant district attorney in your case. I’ll have already reviewed the discovery and met with you. At this point the Tulsa County assistant district attorney will make offers to settle the case or dismiss if the case is week. Depending on what the charge is will dictate how we move forward. But, after this conference we move the case ahead.

  •  Discovery Hearing

The prosecutor and your defense attorney will appear in court to discuss whether all discovery has been exchanged between the parties. This must occur at least 10 days from a jury trial date.

  • Misdemeanor Trial

If you have a jury trial, you will be tried before a jury of six citizens from the surrounding community. Your attorney will be able to rebut any evidence the prosecution may present and cross examine any witness. Your attorney can also call forth witnesses on your behalf to support your case.

Call Our Tulsa Misdemeanor Lawyers For Help:

Contact our Criminal law office for a consultation with our Tulsa misdemeanor lawyers. Our criminal defense attorney can provide you with the legal representation you deserve. We are here to fight for your rights and protect your innocence. We will never advise you to agree to a plea deal if it is truly against your best interest.

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