Our Tulsa DUI Attorneys explain to clients that every year, thousands of people across the U.S. are charged with drunk driving. Some people get behind the wheel after having a martini or two. A simple lapse in judgment can result in being charged with drunk driving and paying hefty fines if convicted. Across the country DUI charges have become more serious. Depending on the number of DUI convictions you have the DUI punishment in Oklahoma ranges from a misdemeanor on up to felony charges.

Whats Considered DUI in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma the crime DUI is described in Okla. stat. tit. 47 § 11-902. The law sets out that if a drivers blood alcohol content (BAC) is above .08% they will be charged with drunk driving. Basically, consuming the smallest amount of alcohol and getting behind theTulsa DUI Attorneys wheel can result in you BAC above the legal limit.

If a person is charged with drunk driving, and its a first offense its charged as a misdemeanor DUI. The maximum sentence includes a $1,000 fine, 180 day license suspension, and the possibility of serving up to one year in jail. The judge will order the accused to take a drug and alcohol assessment and follow its recommendations.

If a person is charged with drunk driving, and its a second offense its charged as a Felony DUI. The DUI is charged as a felony if its a committed with ten years of a previous conviction. A DUI felony second offense carries a maximum fine of $2,500, a driver license suspension, and one to five year jail sentence.

Oklahoma Driver’s License Suspension:

If you’re arrested for drunk driving, your driver’s license will be suspended. You’ll have to request a hearing within 15 days of your arrest to challenge the suspension of your license. You may obtain a modified license pending your hearing date. This requires you to install an ignition interlock devise in your car. Consult with an attorney for legal advice before attending any hearing regarding the restoration of your driving privileges.

Professional  & Personal Limitations

In addition to the civil and criminal penalties that occur as a result of a drunk driving conviction, your professional and personal life may also experience unwanted consequences. For example, depending on your job, you may be required to resign if you are convicted of a misdemeanor or felony. If your driver’s license is suspended, and you are a bus driver, you may lose your job.
Additionally, if you are convicted of a felony, you may lose your right to vote for a specified period of time. You will also be prohibited from purchasing firearms or traveling outside the state.

Tulsa DUI Attorneys Working For You:

Do not let a lapse in judgment destroy your professional career. Having a criminal conviction for DUI on your record may inhibit your career or cost you your freedom. Contact our Tulsa DUI attorneys for legal representation. We provide legal service to Oklahoman s charged with drunk driving. Lawmakers are constantly looking to change DUI laws in Oklahoma to enforce harsher penalties. If you represent yourself, you may not be aware of such changes and expose yourself to increased criminal liability. Call Tulsa criminal lawyers today to speak with us about your case.

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