Criminal Defense

Every criminal case in Tulsa is unique, and sometimes the case can get complicated very quickly. But have no fear, we are a very experienced defense firm who knows exactly how to handle your case and we are here to help guide you through each step.

Our aggressive defense team has extensive knowledge of Oklahoma laws and regulations, which gives us an advantage in securing a not-guilty outcome for your case. Over the years of helping many wrongfully-convicted clients secure the outcome they deserve. For decades our defense firm has been practicing criminal law in Tulsa. Our experienced attorneys have served clients for nearly every type of Oklahoma criminal case and we know how to approach your case with

Some of the common case-types our lawyers see from Tulsa clients are below.

Assault and Battery

Tulsa Assault AttorneyIf you or a loved one has been charged with assault and battery we can help. Our assault and battery attorneys may be able to help get the charges reduced or completely dismissed.  We’ll review the charges looking for any weakness in the States case against you. For the State to prove assault and battery they’ve got certain obstetrical’s to overcome. Assault and battery attorneys with years of experience defending this type of crime understand this and know how to exploit their advantage.

If you retain one of our assault and battery attorneys in Tulsa, we’ll ensure your case receives the time and attention it deserves in order to best protect your legal rights. Read on to learn more about Oklahoma assault and battery laws.

Criminal Defense Blog

Juvenile Criminal Record Expungement

Juvenile criminal record  expungement in Oklahoma is a real thing depending on the juvenile offense.  In most instances the juvenile offense is sealed once the child reaches the age of majority but is some cases it does not. When records are not sealed, you have the opportunity to expunge the record under 10A Okl.St.Ann. § 2-6-109.  To get a juvenile criminal record expungement, you must first be 21 years or older.  If you are, then your record must be clean with no criminal convictions, and have no… Read More

What is a Fourth Amendment Search or Seizure?

Per the U.S. Constitution, protection from Fourth Amendment search or seizure is a right. In Oklahoma, as in all states, this right ensures that citizens’ privacy is safeguarded against unlawful interference by law enforcement. A search generally involves law enforcement officers looking through a person’s property, such as their home, vehicle, or personal belongings, to find evidence of illegal activity. A seizure refers to law enforcement officers taking control of property or detaining individuals. Both searches and seizures must be justified by law, typically requiring a warrant… Read More

First Degree Manslaughter in Tulsa

The Elements of First Degree Manslaughter: For first degree manslaughter in Tulsa  to be charged and proven, four elements must be present.  These are that an (1) unintended (2) death of another person must occur (3) in an unusual or cruel manner(4) while the person causing the death is committing a misdemeanor crime, in the heat of passion, or using excessive force.  See Okla. Stat. tit. 21 § 711. We can break it down further like so:  To prove first degree manslaughter in Tulsa Did someone die?… Read More

Oklahoma Stalking Crimes

Oklahoma Stalking crimes, like most States, require that certain elements of the crime are met before there can be a conviction for a stalking crime.  A Tulsa metro area woman recently logged a stalking complaint against a man.  The 25 yr old offender met the women while working for a tree service.  He then repeatedly showed up at her home proclaiming his love for her.  The woman told him not to come back, but the man did not listen.  Eventually he showed up with a gun.  The woman… Read More