Criminal Defense

Every criminal case in Tulsa is unique, and sometimes the case can get complicated very quickly. But have no fear, we are a very experienced defense firm who knows exactly how to handle your case and we are here to help guide you through each step.

Our aggressive defense team has extensive knowledge of Oklahoma laws and regulations, which gives us an advantage in securing a not-guilty outcome for your case. Over the years of helping many wrongfully-convicted clients secure the outcome they deserve. For decades our defense firm has been practicing criminal law in Tulsa. Our experienced attorneys have served clients for nearly every type of Oklahoma criminal case and we know how to approach your case with

Some of the common case-types our lawyers see from Tulsa clients are below.

Assault and Battery

Tulsa Assault AttorneyIf you or a loved one has been charged with assault and battery we can help. Our assault and battery attorneys may be able to help get the charges reduced or completely dismissed.  We’ll review the charges looking for any weakness in the States case against you. For the State to prove assault and battery they’ve got certain obstetrical’s to overcome. Assault and battery attorneys with years of experience defending this type of crime understand this and know how to exploit their advantage.

If you retain one of our assault and battery attorneys in Tulsa, we’ll ensure your case receives the time and attention it deserves in order to best protect your legal rights. Read on to learn more about Oklahoma assault and battery laws.

Criminal Defense Blog

Immigration and Criminal Convictions

Immigration and criminal convictions or charges often end up with ICE holds. Immigration and Deportation are hot topics in the American mainstream today.  With all of the social and political roiling, some people may be asking the question: What affect do criminal convictions have on immigration?  There are many different aspects to immigration and criminal convictions that could affect you or a loved one living in the US on immigrant status. Immigration and Criminal Convictions Causing Deportation: Criminal convictions are a major problem for any immigrant or… Read More

Assault and Battery on an Officer

In March of 2017 a Broken Arrow English professor was arrested on complaints of running a red light and driving under the influence.  While handcuffed during the arrest, the teacher lunged at the arresting officer.  He hit the officer with the handcuffs and tried to continue physically attacking the officer.  This resulted in felony Assault and Battery on an Officer charges.  If you find yourself in a situation like this, the following article explains the legal ramifications and what you may face. LAWS:  Assault and Battery on… Read More

Embezzlement Lawyers in Tulsa

Our embezzlement lawyers in Tulsa have seen many different circumstances leading up to this kind of crime. In February a small business owner pressed charges against its bookkeeper for embezzlement.  The business owner alleges the bookkeeper stole over $40,000 from the company through ATM withdrawals using the company card.  Of these, one withdrawal was for $17,000 at a casino.  The woman will face felony charges.  Other cases very much like this one involve business owners who employ others to manage their business affairs. Its not uncommon for… Read More

What Is Oklahoma Drug Court And What Are Some Requirements

Oklahoma Drug court is a specialized court program designed to help individuals with substance abuse issues by providing a combination of legal supervision, treatment, and support. The goal is to break the cycle of addiction and criminal behavior, ultimately helping participants reintegrate into society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Drug Courts in Oklahoma is a part of criminal defense reform programs’ that are designed to keep people out of prison. Applications To Drug Court in Oklahoma Not everyone is a candidate for drug court. It begins with an… Read More