Catoosa Criminal Lawyers

Fourth Amendment Search or Seizure

Our Catoosa Criminal Lawyers help defend people in Oklahoma that are charged with a crime. Its no surprise that possession of a stolen vehicle is a crime. Many statutes are in place to prevent auto theft in Oklahoma. If you’re caught with a stolen vehicle in Oklahoma, you should seek legal assistance immediately. Depending on the circumstances, you have defenses available to you and we can present them to the prosecutor. Possession of a stolen vehicle is a felony in Oklahoma. Felonies carry serious jail time and will impact you for the rest of your life.

Possession of a Stolen Vehicle in Catoosa

Under Oklahoma’s Criminal Code, possession of a stolen vehicle is illegal. The state needs to show all of the necessary elements of the crime to get a conviction against you. First, they must show that the vehicle was in your possession. Second, they need proof that you were aware the vehicle was stolen or converted under circumstances constituting a crime. Third, that you were not entitled to the vehicle.

I Didn’t Know it Was a Stolen Car

Not knowing the car was stolen isn’t always a defense. There are certain facts the State will try to use in its effort to show that you knew or should have known the car was stolen. One thing might be how much you paid for the car or how you came to buy the car. If the car was unreasonably cheap the State may try to say that this should have made you aware it was stolen. The key is that we must show that given the circumstances there isn’t any way you could know the car is stolen.

Penalties for Possession of a Stolen Vehicle

Possession of a stolen vehicle is a felony offense. If convicted, you could face 1 to 5 years in prison. If there is any evidence that you had stolen the vehicle yourself you could be charged with Grand Theft Auto. This crime is a felony punishable by 3-10 years in prison (21 O.S. § 1720).

Catoosa Criminal Lawyers Near You

If you’ve been charged with possession of a stolen vehicle in Oklahoma, we can help. Our Catoosa Criminal Lawyers deal with all types of crimes. From misdemeanors to felony’s we do them all. Call us today for a free consultation. Remember that you should be careful talking to the Police about your case. You have the right to remain silent and you should absolutely exercise this right.

Criminal Defense Blog

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Oklahoma Peeping Tom Criminal Charges Explained

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