Oklahoma Drivers License and DUI Laws

Passing a Stopped School Bus

New Oklahoma Drivers License and DUI Laws are now in place. As of November 1, 2019, the laws regarding driver’s license requirements for those who have been arrested and charged with a DUI have changed. The new changes are significant and can make a huge difference for anyone who has been arrested. It is important for those who are arrested to understand the changes to the laws and the options they have available to them. Previous Laws for DUI and Driver’s Licenses There are two different times… Read More

New Expungement Laws in Oklahoma

Receiving Stolen Property charges

The New Expungement Laws in Oklahoma make sealing your criminal record much easier. For those who have a criminal record in Oklahoma, the new changes to expungement laws taking effect November 2019 come as good news indeed. While there are still limitations on who is eligible and what records can be expunged, it is now possible for many more people to have their criminal records expunged. This leads the way to many benefits, like being able to find a higher paying job because there is no longer… Read More

Bail Bond Process in Federal Courts Explained by Tulsa Criminal Lawyer

Bench Trial

The Bail Bond Process in Federal Courts is totally different than in Oklahoma District Court. While many people are familiar with the basics of bail and bonds when it comes to state criminal charges, the process for a federal criminal charge is very different. The federal court process is far more complicated than the state process, so those who are arrested and charged with a federal crime will want to understand what they will be facing and speak with a lawyer to get help right away. This… Read More

Application to Revoke

Charged with a Sex Crime

An Application to Revoke is very serious. If you’ve been charged with a crime in Oklahoma you know how difficult the process is. Not only have you been facing potential jail time you’ve had to pay fines costs and report to a probation officer. An Application to Revoke in Tulsa County is filed by the District Attorney with the clerk of the court you were sentenced at.If this is you hire an experienced criminal attorneys for help If you were sentenced in Tulsa this would be the… Read More

Expungement Seals Your Criminal Record in Tulsa Oklahoma

False Personation Charge

Oklahoma Expungement Seals your Criminal Record as if the crime never happened. Having your name in court records for a felony or misdemeanor can be troubling and inconvenient in various aspects of life: applying for a new job, seeking educational opportunities, renting or buying a home, or passing background checks. In addition, having your brush with the law available to the public eye can interfere with your personal relationships and reputation. In Oklahoma, the process of expungement can remove or change a court record of a criminal… Read More

Can you Expunge Protective Orders in Tulsa

Tulsa County Computer Crimes

You can expunge protective orders in Tulsa but it takes a skilled expungment attorney in your corner. If you’ve had a protective order issued against you, you may not be aware that it will stay on your criminal record. An expungement can remove or change a court record of an arrest or criminal conviction for specified offenses. Can this process also apply to Victim Protective Orders in Tulsa? Short answer, yes! Under certain conditions required by Oklahoma Law, you may be able to expunge a protective order… Read More

Oklahoma Harboring a Fugitive Crimes

expunge Protective Orders in Tulsa

Oklahoma Harboring a Fugitive Crimes involve people who in many circumstances get cough up in a crime they didn’t intend to commit. When people think about harboring a fugitive, they often think of movies or old stories.  For example, Matt Damon’s character in The Bourne Series is a constant fugitive.  Thus, anyone giving him a place to stay is harboring a fugitive. But, in real life, harboring a fugitive is more common than you might think.  Take an OKC woman who is currently facing harboring a fugitive… Read More

Threats by Phone

Bench Trial

In Oklahoma City, a man faces charges on threats by phone after becoming irate over his employment.  The man, Devilion Jackson, became enraged when the temp agency he worked for suspended him over a workplace incident.  During the phone call, Mr. Jackson threatened the agency and their employees.  He later sent text messages saying he would “kill every worker at every branch” and planned on “blowing up both businesses” on the next day.  These threats by phone, among other things, are pending felony charges. Threats by Phone,… Read More

Defining Homicide Crimes in Oklahoma

McIntosh County Criminal Lawyers

Homicide Crimes in Oklahoma in divided by degree. People generally think of homicide in terms of a person intricately planning the death of another or causing a death during a crime.  For instance, a person taking a hit out on their spouse for insurance money or someone planning the assassination of a public official are both homicide.  On the other hand, a person who kills someone while robbing a house is also a homicide.  However, it encompasses much more than simply a plot to kill or death… Read More

Defending Tulsa County Rape Charges

expunge Protective Orders in Tulsa

When Defending Tulsa County Rape Charges you need to understand the severity of the crime. Over 300,000 people are victims of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.  This means 1 in 6 women are victims of the crime in a lifetime.  Further, the average age of victimization is 19-24.  This age group can experience rates three to four times higher than the average woman outside of those ages.  As a result, the law takes rape charges very seriously.  This article will explain more… Read More