Would My Drug Charges Trigger an ISP to be Ordered by DHS?

Drug Charges Triggering an ISP

Drug charges triggering an ISP is a very real possibility. In Oklahoma, being charged with a drug-related offense may lead to involvement with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, especially if children are involved. DHS may intervene to assess the safety of your children and, in some cases, require you to comply with an Individualized Service Plan. Here’s what you need to know about how drug charges can trigger an ISP and what it means for you and your family. What Is an ISP? An Individualized Service… Read More

Shaken Baby Crimes and Child Abuse Charges in Oklahoma

What is Felony Solicitation

Shaken Baby Crimes are aggressively prosecuted by the District Attorneys office. In Oklahoma, harming a child through shaking is a severe offense. This can be child abuse, specifically by causing non-accidental trauma. Shaking a baby often leads to what is medically referred to as shaken baby syndrome. This is called (SBS), and is characterized by severe brain injury. When a baby is shaken, even for a few seconds, it can cause irreversible damage or even death. This is because of the delicate nature of a baby’s brain… Read More