What Is A Dui Field Sobriety Test and Can I beat a Dui Based On This in Oklahoma

Dui Field Sobriety Test

In Oklahoma a DUI field sobriety test is a series of physical and cognitive tests administered by law enforcement officers to assess a driver’s level of impairment due to alcohol or drugs. The officer typically conducts these tests roadside, often after a traffic stop, to help determine whether there is probable cause to believe a driver is under the influence. The officers testing you have a requirement to be trained and are supposed to meet national standards. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recognizes this training…. Read More

What Is Drug Court in Tulsa County And Can I Get In The Court Program

Drug Court in Tulsa

Drug court in Tulsa County is a specialized court program is there to address the needs of individuals who have committed non-violent drug-related offenses and have substance abuse issues. The primary goal of drug court is to provide an alternative to traditional criminal justice proceedings by offering participants the opportunity to receive treatment and support for their addiction, ultimately aiming to reduce recidivism and improve their chances of leading a drug-free life. As an alternative court Tulsa drug court looks for alternatives to the constant cycle of… Read More

Navigating DUI Defense Strategies in Oklahoma

DUI Defense

Navigating DUI Defense Strategies is about having serious conversations with your criminal defense attorney. We al know that facing a DUI charge in Oklahoma can be daunting, but understanding your defense options is important. As a defendant in a DUI case you have to consider the strength of the States case and potential consequences to you if convicted. Those considerations must also take in to account if the DUI will impact your job and whether the DUI you are facing is a felony or a misdemeanor. This… Read More

What Is Oklahoma Drug Court And What Are Some Requirements

Oklahoma Drug Court

Oklahoma Drug court is a specialized court program designed to help individuals with substance abuse issues by providing a combination of legal supervision, treatment, and support. The goal is to break the cycle of addiction and criminal behavior, ultimately helping participants reintegrate into society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Drug Courts in Oklahoma is a part of criminal defense reform programs’ that are designed to keep people out of prison. Applications To Drug Court in Oklahoma Not everyone is a candidate for drug court. It begins with an… Read More

How Long is Your License Suspended For DUI in Oklahoma

What is Felony Solicitation

A License Suspended For DUI in Oklahoma will remain suspended for a period of time depending on the crime. The truth is that unless you win a jury trial and an acquittal of all DUI charges, this suspension will follow you for a period of time. Although the whole process involving a DUI is gut wrenching the suspension of your drivers licensee can be the worst punishment of all. It’s easy to see how a suspended driving licensee impacts everything in life. This can be anything from… Read More

What Are APC Charges In Oklahoma

Miranda Rights in Oklahoma

APC charges In Oklahoma may seem a little confusing. When can you get in trouble for driving under the influence when you’re not really driving? It’s a bit of a trick question, but it is true that in Oklahoma, you can get the same penalties and the same license revocation as with a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) conviction. This is even if you weren’t actually driving the vehicle. The law of actual physical control means that you can just be sitting in the driver’s seat with… Read More

What is DUI Marijuana in Tulsa?

DUI Marijuana in Tulsa

DUI Marijuana in Tulsa is a crime that happens more often then many people think. Driving under the influence of marijuana in Oklahoma is similar to driving under the influence of alcohol. This is because in either case, the driver is impaired. Among other things, someone who drives while high on weed might have a tough time paying attention to the road, a tough time seeing the road (e.g. judging distances), slower reaction time, and reduced coordination. They could endanger themselves and their passengers, other drivers and… Read More

DUI Trial in Tulsa

A DUI trial in Tulsa is not the same as drunk driving cases in most States. The great majority of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases in Oklahoma never go to trial, mostly because working with a knowledgeable DUI attorney can result in a positive outcome that might not involve a trial at all. This may also be because the DUI lawyer is able to work out alternative sentencing and probation deals that out weigh the consequences of a first time DUI charge. Whether you go to… Read More

Whats a DUI Felony in Oklahoma?

DUI felony in Oklahoma is charged only after certain legal requirements are met. In Oklahoma, a large number of DUI cases are prosecuted as a misdemeanor. Although a misdemeanor is still a criminal offense that must not be taken lightly, you could sometimes face a more serious charge of a felony DUI if more aggravating circumstances were present at the time of your arrest. In either event the proof needed by the State to prove a felony DUI is the same as it is for a misdemeanor…. Read More

Oklahoma Felony DUI After McGirt Ruling

Bench Trial

Felony DUI after McGirt may be a thing of the past for Tribe members in Oklahoma. As many of us know the United States Supreme Court recently ruled on the now famous case of McGirt v. State of Oklahoma. The case dealt with major crimes committed by Tribe members that occurred on Tribal lands. The tribal lands in question encompass the majority of Northeast Oklahoma including Tulsa County. The gist of the argument is that most of Eastern Oklahoma remains part of Native American lands belonging to… Read More