What Does Restitution Mean In Criminal Convictions?

Alford Plea In Oklahoma

Restitution in criminal convictions refers to the act of compensating a victim for loss or damage caused by a criminal offense. In the context of criminal convictions, restitution serves as a means for the offender to make amends to the victim, often through monetary payment. Not all cases require this type of financial compensation, but a lot of them do. This article explains what restitution means, how it is determined, and its implications in criminal cases. Definition of Restitution Restitution is a court-ordered payment from an offender… Read More

What Is The Difference Between Sexual Assault and Sexual Battery in Tulsa?

Sexual Assault and Sexual Battery

Sexual assault and sexual battery are serious crimes that involve unwanted sexual contact or behavior. While the terms are often used interchangeably, they have distinct legal definitions and implications. Understanding the differences between the two is crucial for both legal professionals and the general public. Definition of Sexual Assault Sexual assault is a broad term that encompasses a range of non-consensual sexual activities. It includes any unwanted sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the victim. The definition of sexual assault can vary… Read More

What Are Charges For Illegally Transporting Marijuana Between Facilities in Oklahoma?

Fentanyl Trafficking in Oklahoma

Illegally transporting marijuana is a crime. Oklahoma has specific laws regulating the transportation of marijuana, even between licensed facilities. Violating these laws can result in significant legal consequences, including criminal charges. Here, we’ll cover some of the potential charges you could face for improperly transporting marijuana between facilities in Oklahoma. OMMA Legal Requirements for Transporting Marijuana Only licensed transporters or employees of licensed medical marijuana businesses are able to transport marijuana between licensed facilities in Oklahoma, such as growers, processors, and dispensaries. Proper documentation, including a transport… Read More

Can I Be Arrested in Tulsa For Carrying Self Defense Weapons?

Carrying Self Defense Weapons

Carrying self-defense weapons in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subject to specific laws and regulations. While individuals have the right to protect themselves, certain restrictions apply to the types of weapons that you can carry and how you use them. Violating these laws can result in arrest and other legal consequences. Types of Self-Defense Weapons Oklahoma law permits the open and concealed carry of firearms for individuals who are at least 21 years old, or 18 if they are in the military. Oklahoma allows permissive carry, meaning you do… Read More

What Is Oklahoma Drug Court And What Are Some Requirements

Oklahoma Drug Court

Oklahoma Drug court is a specialized court program designed to help individuals with substance abuse issues by providing a combination of legal supervision, treatment, and support. The goal is to break the cycle of addiction and criminal behavior, ultimately helping participants reintegrate into society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Drug Courts in Oklahoma is a part of criminal defense reform programs’ that are designed to keep people out of prison. Applications To Drug Court in Oklahoma Not everyone is a candidate for drug court. It begins with an… Read More

Are Larceny Crimes in Oklahoma A Felony Or Misdemeanor?

Larceny Crimes in Oklahoma

Larceny Crimes in Oklahoma are serious crimes that could land a person in jail or with a criminal record. There are many types of larceny in Oklahoma. The offense could be considered either a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on what kind of larceny you are charged with. It is essential to understand precisely what classification of larceny you are being charged with. Because of the range of larceny offenses, your larceny charge could result in serious jail time.  How Is Larceny Defined In Oklahoma? In legal… Read More

Tulsa Lawyer Explains The Difference Between First And Second Degree Rape?

Getting arrested and charged with rape can turn your entire life upside down. The consequences of getting convicted in Oklahoma are most harsh: with this felony crime you might be imprisoned for the rest of your life, your career will likely be ruined, you will become a registered sex offender, and your family might abandon you. For this reason, you should take a rape charge very seriously and hire an experienced criminal defense attorney who can protect your rights and try to get you out of this… Read More

Embezzlement Lawyers in Tulsa

Embezzlement Charges

Our embezzlement lawyers in Tulsa have seen many different circumstances leading up to this kind of crime. In February a small business owner pressed charges against its bookkeeper for embezzlement.  The business owner alleges the bookkeeper stole over $40,000 from the company through ATM withdrawals using the company card.  Of these, one withdrawal was for $17,000 at a casino.  The woman will face felony charges.  Other cases very much like this one involve business owners who employ others to manage their business affairs. Its not uncommon for… Read More

Domestic Abuse Crimes in Tulsa Oklahoma

Domestic abuse crimes in Tulsa mirror many of the cases found throughout Oklahoma. Its a crime that occurs most often in the context of partners fighting or otherwise causing harm to each other. The crime can be enhanced depending on the degree of injury or if it was done in the presence of a minor child. The Courts in Oklahoma prosecute people charged with the crime and usually seek maximum sentences under the law. Currently the State of Oklahoma is caught between two different beliefs. One belief… Read More

Threats by Phone

Bench Trial

In Oklahoma City, a man faces charges on threats by phone after becoming irate over his employment.  The man, Devilion Jackson, became enraged when the temp agency he worked for suspended him over a workplace incident.  During the phone call, Mr. Jackson threatened the agency and their employees.  He later sent text messages saying he would “kill every worker at every branch” and planned on “blowing up both businesses” on the next day.  These threats by phone, among other things, are pending felony charges. Threats by Phone,… Read More