How To Get Felony Expungement in Oklahoma

Understanding Section 18 Expungement in Oklahoma A person can get a felony expungement in Oklahoma but they must qualify. There are a few different kinds of expungements in Oklahoma. The must effective expungement that seals you criminal record is a section 18 expungement. This expungement is different than a deferred sentence expungement otherwise know as a 991C. In Oklahoma, Section 18 felony expungement in Oklahoma refers to a specific provision under the state’s expungement laws that allows individuals to seal certain criminal records from public view. Further,… Read More

Explaining Tulsa County Computer Crimes And How They Are Prosecuted

Tulsa County Computer Crimes

Tulsa County computer crimes encompass various offenses committed using the internet or electronic communication devices. Over the past several years the state of Oklahoma has established a task force and serval different laws that police and enforce internet crimes. Some examples of internet crimes in Oklahoma include: Defenses to Computer Crimes in Oklahoma Include: Potential Punishment For Computer Crimes The range of sentencing for internet crimes under the Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act varies depending on whether you face charges for a felony or a misdemeanor. If authorities… Read More

Navigating DUI Defense Strategies in Oklahoma

DUI Defense

Navigating DUI Defense Strategies is about having serious conversations with your criminal defense attorney. We al know that facing a DUI charge in Oklahoma can be daunting, but understanding your defense options is important. As a defendant in a DUI case you have to consider the strength of the States case and potential consequences to you if convicted. Those considerations must also take in to account if the DUI will impact your job and whether the DUI you are facing is a felony or a misdemeanor. This… Read More

How Does DOC Sentencing Work In Oklahoma Criminal Convictions

Domestic Violence And Immigration

DOC sentencing works much different than time served in a federal prison or in a county jail. In Oklahoma, the length of a Department of Corrections (DOC) sentence can vary widely depending on the specific crime committed. Other factors like prior criminal history and how serious the crime is will impact they length and kind of DOC sentence a person serves. There are Oklahoma sentencing guidelines that must be implemented for each type of crime. Its critical that before you move forward with your criminal defense you… Read More

What Is The Difference Between Burglary And Trespassing In Oklahoma

Domestic Violence And Immigration

Burglary and trespassing in Oklahoma can often be conflated as the same thing, but they have key differences. Oklahoma’s legal system defines and distinguishes between various offenses to maintain order as well as protect the rights of individuals. Two commonly misunderstood offenses are burglary and trespassing. Here we’ll delve into the key differences between burglary and trespassing in the state of Oklahoma. Not knowing these differences can be detrimental if you are facing one of these charges. Burglary In Oklahoma Burglary is a serious criminal offense that… Read More

Domestic Abuse Crimes in Tulsa Oklahoma

Domestic abuse crimes in Tulsa mirror many of the cases found throughout Oklahoma. Its a crime that occurs most often in the context of partners fighting or otherwise causing harm to each other. The crime can be enhanced depending on the degree of injury or if it was done in the presence of a minor child. The Courts in Oklahoma prosecute people charged with the crime and usually seek maximum sentences under the law. Currently the State of Oklahoma is caught between two different beliefs. One belief… Read More

Oklahoma Stalking Crimes

Discovery Process In A Criminal Case

Oklahoma Stalking crimes, like most States, require that certain elements of the crime are met before there can be a conviction for a stalking crime.  A Tulsa metro area woman recently logged a stalking complaint against a man.  The 25 yr old offender met the women while working for a tree service.  He then repeatedly showed up at her home proclaiming his love for her.  The woman told him not to come back, but the man did not listen.  Eventually he showed up with a gun.  The woman… Read More

Tulsa County Child Abuse Charges

Health Care Fraud

Domestic Violence: Basic Elements Tulsa County Child Abuse Charges and Domestic Violence have only a few requirements to meet for a court to be able to convict.  First there must be some type of assault and/or battery.  But the target of the assault or battery must fall into one of these categories:  someone you are or have dated, a family member, or a co-parent.  You can find this under 21 O.S. § 644(c).  If the state cannot prove one of these elements, then it is likely you will… Read More

Oklahoma Manslaughter Crimes

Deferred vs. Suspended Sentence

Oklahoma Manslaughter Crimes are very serious criminal charges.  If you are facing these charges, it is useful to understand the nature of these crimes and what you may face if receiving a conviction.  This article will explain more about such circumstances and what you can do about it. First Degree and Second Degree Manslaughter: Oklahoma defines manslaughter under Title 21 § 74-711 & 716.  Both first and second degree involve unintentional killing of another person.  First degree falls under § 711.  This includes the killing of someone… Read More

Oklahoma Peeping Tom Criminal Charges Explained

Bench Warrant in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Peeping Tom criminal charges require that certain elements be present for peeping tom charges to stick.  Without these elements, the State cannot convict you of being a peeping tom.  These are under  Okla. Stat. tit. 21 §1171.  They include: – waiting or hiding – near another’s private dwelling or where privacy is expected (i.e. dressing room) -intending to secretly watch or view the victim. Basically, if you are watching a person who is expecting privacy and does not know you are watching, then you are committing… Read More