Is There a Difference Between DUI and DWI in Oklahoma

Difference Between DUI and DWI

In Oklahoma, the terms DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) are often used interchangeably, but there are differences between the two that are important to understand. When you’re facing charges, understanding the exact meaning of them is key. While similar, each comes with its own stipulations and its own consequences. DUI vs. DWI: Definitions and Key Differences While they cover similar offenses, the true definition and scope for a DUI and a DWI are different. DUI (Driving Under the Influence): DWI (Driving While… Read More

DUI Trial in Tulsa

A DUI trial in Tulsa is not the same as drunk driving cases in most States. The great majority of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases in Oklahoma never go to trial, mostly because working with a knowledgeable DUI attorney can result in a positive outcome that might not involve a trial at all. This may also be because the DUI lawyer is able to work out alternative sentencing and probation deals that out weigh the consequences of a first time DUI charge. Whether you go to… Read More