First Degree Manslaughter in Tulsa

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The Elements of First Degree Manslaughter: For first degree manslaughter in Tulsa  to be charged and proven, four elements must be present.  These are that an (1) unintended (2) death of another person must occur (3) in an unusual or cruel manner(4) while the person causing the death is committing a misdemeanor crime, in the heat of passion, or using excessive force.  See Okla. Stat. tit. 21 § 711. We can break it down further like so:  To prove first degree manslaughter in Tulsa Did someone die?… Read More

Explaining Deferred or Suspended Sentence in Tulsa

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A Deferred or Suspended Sentence in Tulsa causes confusion for people involved in criminal defense. During criminal court proceedings, you may hear the terms deferred sentence or suspended sentence. While both sentences are preferable to jail time, they differ from each other. These are important differences and will affect how you will act after receiving the sentence. Below we explain those differences and what they mean to you. Deferred Sentence—What it is and what it means: In essence, a deferred sentence is when you enter a plea… Read More