What Is the Age of Consent For Sexual Relations in Tulsa Criminal Court

Age Of Consent

In Oklahoma, the age of consent for sexual relations is a legal benchmark that determines the legality of sexual activity. The age of consent laws work to protect minors from exploitation and abuse while providing clear guidelines for lawful sexual conduct. Knowing these laws is crucial for anyone involved in or considering a sexual relationship, especially those near the age threshold. Age of Consent in Oklahoma The age of consent in Oklahoma is 16 years old. This means that individuals aged 16 or older are legally allowed… Read More

What Are The Levels For Sex Offenders in Oklahoma

Levels For Sex Offenders

In Oklahoma, there are three different levels for sex offenders based on the severity of their crimes and their perceived risk to the public. These levels dictate the requirements for registration and the duration of that registration. Understanding these levels is crucial for offenders, law enforcement, and the community. Here, we’ll discuss not only the different levels, but what the implications of each one are. Classification Levels for Sex Offenders Oklahoma classifies sex offenders into three levels, where Level 1 is the lowest risk and Level 3… Read More

Defending Tulsa County Rape Charges

expunge Protective Orders in Tulsa

When Defending Tulsa County Rape Charges you need to understand the severity of the crime. Over 300,000 people are victims of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.  This means 1 in 6 women are victims of the crime in a lifetime.  Further, the average age of victimization is 19-24.  This age group can experience rates three to four times higher than the average woman outside of those ages.  As a result, the law takes rape charges very seriously.  This article will explain more… Read More

Sex Crimes in Oklahoma and Child Pornography Charges

second degree burglary

FBI Statistics show that in the last decade alone child pornography and arrests have had a 2500% increase. In 2011 the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children report over 17.3 million images and videos of children were online. Further, at any point up to 50,000 people may be trading and disbursing child pornography videos and images consistently. Child pornography is an extremely serious charge. If you face these charges, this article will explain more about them and the penalties they incur. Child Pornography Laws Federal Statutes… Read More