Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Examine Violation of Protective Orders

Oklahoma Harboring a Fugitive

Violation of Protective orders is a criminal offense. Protective Orders are intend to protect individuals from an abuser or potential aggressor. Commonly, after being served with a protective order, people often have questions about why. This means they will attempt contact with the supposed victim. However, this is violation a protective orders and could land the accused in jail. While protective orders are typical for situations involving domestic abuse or stalking, sometimes people attempt to use them for leverage in custody or divorce battles. If a protective… Read More

Oklahoma Embezzlement Crimes

The crime of embezzlement is charged either as a felony or a misdemeanor. The determining factor is the value of the property that is said to have been embezzled. If the property value is under five hundred dollars the crime is charged as a misdemeanor subjecting the accused to the possibility of up to not more than 1 year in the county jail and fines. For property embezzled that is valued in excess of $500.00, and depending on incremental amounts thereafter, up to $25,000.00 or more, the… Read More