Kidnapping Criminal Charges Explained

Creek County Criminal Lawyers

Kidnapping criminal charges in Tulsa Oklahoma are difficult cases and are charged as felonies. In October of 2017, an Oklahoma man was charged with kidnapping, rape, and other crimes after his step-daughter reported to authorities he had held her captive for 19 years.  The man fathered 9 children with her.  He even forced his son to perform a wedding ceremony in a van while in Wagoner.  The man took the woman from school when she was 11 and has been on the run with her throughout Oklahoma, Texas, and… Read More

Tulsa County Child Abuse Charges

Juvenile Criminal Charges

Domestic Violence: Basic Elements Tulsa County Child Abuse Charges and Domestic Violence have only a few requirements to meet for a court to be able to convict.  First there must be some type of assault and/or battery.  But the target of the assault or battery must fall into one of these categories:  someone you are or have dated, a family member, or a co-parent.  You can find this under 21 O.S. § 644(c).  If the state cannot prove one of these elements, then it is likely you will… Read More

First Degree Manslaughter in Tulsa

Speeding in a School Zone Tickets

The Elements of First Degree Manslaughter: For first degree manslaughter in Tulsa  to be charged and proven, four elements must be present.  These are that an (1) unintended (2) death of another person must occur (3) in an unusual or cruel manner(4) while the person causing the death is committing a misdemeanor crime, in the heat of passion, or using excessive force.  See Okla. Stat. tit. 21 § 711. We can break it down further like so:  To prove first degree manslaughter in Tulsa Did someone die?… Read More

Sex Crimes in Oklahoma and Child Pornography Charges

second degree burglary

FBI Statistics show that in the last decade alone child pornography and arrests have had a 2500% increase. In 2011 the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children report over 17.3 million images and videos of children were online. Further, at any point up to 50,000 people may be trading and disbursing child pornography videos and images consistently. Child pornography is an extremely serious charge. If you face these charges, this article will explain more about them and the penalties they incur. Child Pornography Laws Federal Statutes… Read More

Fighting Prescriptions by Fraud Charges

Prescriptions by Fraud Charges in Oklahoma on are the rise. In the summer of 2016 a Coweta doctor was charged by the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics for obtaining prescriptions by fraud.  He would write prescriptions to patients he did not treat to acquire the drugs for himself.  Further, the doctor wrote many fraudulent prescriptions in the names of his friends and family.   If you or a loved one is in a similar situation, read on to understand the charges and how we can help. Elements of Prescriptions… Read More

Attorney Discusses Oklahoma Robbery Laws

Oklahoma robbery laws are complex and require the help of one of our Tulsa criminal lawyers. According to city data, 920 robberies occurred in Tulsa during 2014.  This is a relatively high average for a city the size of Tulsa.  Further, Tulsa’s New on 6 anchor, Lori Fullbright posted an article on August 30th, 2016 discussing the robbery of a Tulsa defense attorney in broad daylight on a Saturday afternoon in downtown.  Because robbery is on the rise, it is also more likely a person will be… Read More

Tulsa Public Intoxication Lawyers

Our Tulsa Public Intoxication Lawyers can help you regardless of the alcohol related crime you’ve been charged with. When alcohol is served at any event, it is common that at least one person drinks too much becoming intoxicated.  If done in public, this could lead to arrest and fines.  In fact, thousands of people find themselves under arrest for public intoxication each year.  In Tulsa alone 3,000-4,000 arrests occur annually solely for public drunkenness. What Tulsa Public Intoxication Encompasses: To be charged with public intoxication you must… Read More

Driving With a Suspended License

Driving with a Suspended License in Tulsa or anywhere in Oklahoma is a crime. Recent news media has focused additional attention on the crime. A motorcyclist died in May 2016 when hit from behind by a man driving under suspension.  The driver of the car, Mario Cherry, had a suspended license due to previous charges.  Further, he has a record of 23 arrests in the last 24 years.  Mr. Cherry was free on bail regarding a robbery charge when the accident took place reports News OK.  Because… Read More

Fleeing or Eluding an Officer is a Crime in Tulsa

Statute Of Limitations

We have all seen the movies where criminals avoid capture through a risky and often adrenaline-inducing car chase scenes.  While these are exciting to see in theaters, a real life car chase can result in especially devastating consequences.  This includes not only police officers, but highway patrolmen and state game wardens.  Whether fleeing through fear or for some other reason, we can help you navigate the legal system when it comes to fighting charges of eluding an officer. Elements of Eluding an Officer: To be convicted of… Read More

Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Discuss Reckless Handling of a Firearm

Shooting with Intent to kill

Reckless Handling of a Firearm is a tricky offense.  Take for instance, the 1985 Oklahoma case of Withers v. State.  Danny Withers received charges of reckless handling of a firearm.  After leaving a bar in the early hours of the morning, he drew his weapon in anticipation of a brawl.  He and his two friends were significantly outnumbered.  His threatening shot above the heads of the possible attackers was reckless handling of a firearm because he discharged the shot outside of a bar where intoxicated people were… Read More