How Long is Your License Suspended For DUI in Oklahoma

What is Felony Solicitation

A License Suspended For DUI in Oklahoma will remain suspended for a period of time depending on the crime. The truth is that unless you win a jury trial and an acquittal of all DUI charges, this suspension will follow you for a period of time. Although the whole process involving a DUI is gut wrenching the suspension of your drivers licensee can be the worst punishment of all. It’s easy to see how a suspended driving licensee impacts everything in life. This can be anything from… Read More

What Is The Process Of Defending Against a Protective Order In Oklahoma That is Frivolous

Receiving Stolen Property charges

It seems that sometimes people get protective orders in Oklahoma at almost the drop of a hat. When this happens to you defending against a protective order is crucial to your future. There is a very specific process that the courts require both parties to go through. Please note that the specific legal procedures and requirements may vary depending on your jurisdiction. This procedure is governed by Oklahoma statutes but may very from county to county. If a person fails to follow the procedure they could face… Read More

What Are APC Charges In Oklahoma

Miranda Rights in Oklahoma

APC charges In Oklahoma may seem a little confusing. When can you get in trouble for driving under the influence when you’re not really driving? It’s a bit of a trick question, but it is true that in Oklahoma, you can get the same penalties and the same license revocation as with a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) conviction. This is even if you weren’t actually driving the vehicle. The law of actual physical control means that you can just be sitting in the driver’s seat with… Read More

What Is Asset Forfeiture In A Criminal Case In Oklahoma?

Discovery Process In A Criminal Case

Civil asset forfeiture, also known as property forfeiture, occurs when law enforcement confiscates property that is believed to be related to a crime. It shocks people to find out that the government will actively seek assets to seize in our state. Oklahoma has some of the harshest civil property laws in the country. That is, there is a relatively low bar for law enforcement in Oklahoma to seize and keep citizens’ assets. The reality is that in many forfeiture cases the government may not even bring charges… Read More

What is DUI Marijuana in Tulsa?

DUI Marijuana in Tulsa

DUI Marijuana in Tulsa is a crime that happens more often then many people think. Driving under the influence of marijuana in Oklahoma is similar to driving under the influence of alcohol. This is because in either case, the driver is impaired. Among other things, someone who drives while high on weed might have a tough time paying attention to the road, a tough time seeing the road (e.g. judging distances), slower reaction time, and reduced coordination. They could endanger themselves and their passengers, other drivers and… Read More

Kidnapping Criminal Charges Explained

Creek County Criminal Lawyers

Kidnapping criminal charges in Tulsa Oklahoma are difficult cases and are charged as felonies. In October of 2017, an Oklahoma man was charged with kidnapping, rape, and other crimes after his step-daughter reported to authorities he had held her captive for 19 years.  The man fathered 9 children with her.  He even forced his son to perform a wedding ceremony in a van while in Wagoner.  The man took the woman from school when she was 11 and has been on the run with her throughout Oklahoma, Texas, and… Read More

Tulsa County Child Abuse Charges

Health Care Fraud

Domestic Violence: Basic Elements Tulsa County Child Abuse Charges and Domestic Violence have only a few requirements to meet for a court to be able to convict.  First there must be some type of assault and/or battery.  But the target of the assault or battery must fall into one of these categories:  someone you are or have dated, a family member, or a co-parent.  You can find this under 21 O.S. § 644(c).  If the state cannot prove one of these elements, then it is likely you will… Read More

First Degree Manslaughter in Tulsa

Speeding in a School Zone Tickets

The Elements of First Degree Manslaughter: For first degree manslaughter in Tulsa  to be charged and proven, four elements must be present.  These are that an (1) unintended (2) death of another person must occur (3) in an unusual or cruel manner(4) while the person causing the death is committing a misdemeanor crime, in the heat of passion, or using excessive force.  See Okla. Stat. tit. 21 § 711. We can break it down further like so:  To prove first degree manslaughter in Tulsa Did someone die?… Read More

Sex Crimes in Oklahoma and Child Pornography Charges

second degree burglary

FBI Statistics show that in the last decade alone child pornography and arrests have had a 2500% increase. In 2011 the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children report over 17.3 million images and videos of children were online. Further, at any point up to 50,000 people may be trading and disbursing child pornography videos and images consistently. Child pornography is an extremely serious charge. If you face these charges, this article will explain more about them and the penalties they incur. Child Pornography Laws Federal Statutes… Read More

Fighting Prescriptions by Fraud Charges

Prescriptions by Fraud Charges in Oklahoma on are the rise. In the summer of 2016 a Coweta doctor was charged by the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics for obtaining prescriptions by fraud.  He would write prescriptions to patients he did not treat to acquire the drugs for himself.  Further, the doctor wrote many fraudulent prescriptions in the names of his friends and family.   If you or a loved one is in a similar situation, read on to understand the charges and how we can help. Elements of Prescriptions… Read More