Defining Tulsa Possession of a Firearm After Former Conviction

Possession firearm after former conviction is a crime in Tulsa Oklahoma. This is so even though Article 2, Section 26 of the Oklahoma State Constitution states the right to bear arms for defense of person or property “shall never be prohibited”.  It goes on further though to clarify that “nothing herein contained shall prevent the legislature from regulating the carrying of weapons.”  This second part is what matters when it comes to convicted felons charged with possession of a firearm. Oklahoma Possession of a Firearm Laws: Under Okla…. Read More

Tulsa Aggravated Assault and Battery Charges

Jailtime for Bench Warrant

Tulsa Aggravated Assault and Battery Charges have serious consequences for those convicted of the crime. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation shows over 11,300 reports of aggravated assault and battery in 2015.  In the grand scheme, it may appear a relatively small number.  However, it can carry heavy penalties.  If you believe you were part of an aggravated assault and battery read on to understand more about what you are facing and how we can help you. Aggravated Assault and Battery Statute: Oklahoma Statute Title 21 § 646 specifies when… Read More

Tulsa Criminal Defense Drug Attorney

Our Tulsa Criminal Defense Drug Attorney can help you when you’ve been charged with a drug crime. Oklahoma is among the top in the nation for methamphetamine arrests, manufacture, and addiction. The state has long had a problem with the drug methamphetamine, or “meth.”  Due to the high number of meth arrests, the state takes a harsh stance on the users or manufacturers of this drug. The following is a look at some of the consequences of a meth charge: Lengthy Prison Sentences: Methamphetamine is considered a dangerous controlled… Read More

Oklahoma Robbery Crimes

Tulsa Robbery Lawyer Attorneys

Oklahoma Robbery crimes and Burglary are serious felony crimes in the state of Oklahoma, and those who commit them receive the label of dangerous criminals. There is a distinction between robbery and burglary.  Robbery involves the presence of the person during the robbery.  Conversely, burglary is a more stealthy form of theft.  The burglar usually sneaks or breaks into a victim’s home or business when the victim isn’t present. In a robbery, the use of force or the implied threat of force is present.  For example, as in… Read More

Fighting a Tulsa Burglary Charge

Oklahoma felony DUI

Fighting a Tulsa Burglary Charge is the challenge of your life. Burglary is considered a serious crime in the state of Oklahoma and those who commit burglary serious criminals. The laws pertaining to burglary are as complex as the potential means of breaking and entering one’s dwelling, and if you are accused of burglary, you need to talk to an experienced Oklahoma burglary defense attorney immediately, one who has the expertise and knows about fighting a Tulsa Burglary charge. Types of Burglary Charges in Oklahoma: In the state… Read More

Tulsa DUI Lawyers Explain Oklahoma DUI

Embezzlement Charges

Our Tulsa DUI Lawyers care about you and your case. Unless you live under a rock, you don’t need to be told that it is against the law to drink over a certain amount of alcohol and drive a motor vehicle in The United States. DUI laws differ slightly from state to state but one thing that they all have in common is that the penalties for getting caught can be severe both personally and financially. First Offense DUI in Tulsa: In Oklahoma a first DUI offense carries… Read More

Eluding Police in Oklahoma

Child Abuse Charges

If the state charges you with the crime of eluding Police they must  prove each element of the crime. The operator of the vehicle charged with eluding must have received from the Police a visual or audible signal to stop his or her vehicle. The operator of the vehicle said to be eluding Police must do some overt act to demonstrate his or her willful attempt to elude. This may include the driver of the eluding vehicle increasing his or her speed, turning off their headlights to avoid… Read More

Tulsa Criminal Sentencing Options

Oklahoma felony DUI

If you made a mistake and wish to find a way to avoid trial and a potentially lengthy jail sentence, you do have a myriad of options available to you in Oklahoma state court. These options can take the form of pretrial diversion or a plea offer. Pretrial diversion is a court intervention plan. The prosecutor organizes and oversees the various diversion programs. In order to participate in diversion, the prosecutor must first screen you for a program. Each diversion program has different eligibility requirements. Often, the prosecutor… Read More

Proving Receiving Stolen Property in Tulsa

The crime of receiving stolen property is a relatively straightforward concept. If you purchase or receive stolen property, even if you didn’t know that it was stolen, you could be charged with the crime of receiving stolen property. Receiving stolen property is a felony and the penalties for being convicted are up to five years in the State Penitentiary, a fine of up to $500 or both. And you don’t even have to purchase the goods. If you merely agree to store the merchandise on the property you… Read More

Tulsa Gun Possession Attorney

Embezzlement Charges

Gun Charges in Oklahoma One of the most heated debates on the national level in recent years is gun control. It seems that not a week goes by that there isn’t some sort of shooting or mass violence that draws national media attention and gun control is usually the proposed political solution to the problem of gun violence. Over the years gun control has gotten stricter and stricter and Oklahoma has followed the nation’s lead. Gun control and regulation fall under both the state of Oklahoma and federal… Read More