DUI Punishment in Tulsa Oklahoma

DUI Punishment in Tulsa Oklahoma depends on many factors. What is the penalty for driving under the influence (“DUI”) in Oklahoma? Will I go to jail or lose my license? Should I hire a Tulsa DUI attorney if I have been arrested? These are some of the questions that might be on your mind if you find yourself on the wrong side of the law in Oklahoma for an alcohol-related or drug-related driving offense. Here’s more on the DUI laws in Oklahoma and what you could do… Read More

Oklahoma Drivers License and DUI Laws

Passing a Stopped School Bus

New Oklahoma Drivers License and DUI Laws are now in place. As of November 1, 2019, the laws regarding driver’s license requirements for those who have been arrested and charged with a DUI have changed. The new changes are significant and can make a huge difference for anyone who has been arrested. It is important for those who are arrested to understand the changes to the laws and the options they have available to them. Previous Laws for DUI and Driver’s Licenses There are two different times… Read More

Tulsa DUI Lawyers Explain Oklahoma DUI

Embezzlement Charges

Our Tulsa DUI Lawyers care about you and your case. Unless you live under a rock, you don’t need to be told that it is against the law to drink over a certain amount of alcohol and drive a motor vehicle in The United States. DUI laws differ slightly from state to state but one thing that they all have in common is that the penalties for getting caught can be severe both personally and financially. First Offense DUI in Tulsa: In Oklahoma a first DUI offense carries… Read More