What Do I Do If I’m Charged With a Sex Crime in Oklahoma

Charged with a Sex Crime

Being charged with a sex crime in Oklahoma is a serious and stressful situation. It carries significant legal and social consequences. Few other crimes carry the same kind of stigma than do sex crimes. This kind of criminal charge congers up images that place a label on a defendant that may be far different than what’s really true. Often time sex crime divisions at the prosecutors office are assigned and their approach is much more aggressive than a normal criminal prosecution. If you find yourself in this position, it’s crucial to take immediate and thoughtful action to protect your rights and prepare your defense. Here’s a guide on what to do if you receive a charge of a sex crime in Oklahoma.

Remain Calm and Do Not Panic

First and foremost, it’s important to stay calm. Panicking can lead to impulsive decisions that might harm your case. Remember, receiving a charge of a sex crime is not the same as receiving a conviction. If you don’t have a charge yet, you are a far from a conviction. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people to think they committed a crime or are about to be charged, but in the end nothing happens. You have legal rights and avenues to defend yourself, so stay calm and think.

Do Not Speak to Anyone Without an Attorney

You have the right to remain silent, and you should exercise this right. Do not discuss the charges or any details of the case with law enforcement, friends, family, or anyone else until you have legal representation. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You must realize that conversations with friends and family can later be discovery the prosecutor uses in your case. This is because unlike with your lawyer, you don’t have attorney client privilege with friends and family.

Contact an Experienced Sex Crime Attorney

Immediately seek the counsel of an experienced criminal defense attorney who specializes in sex crimes. An attorney can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and build a strong defense. They will be familiar with the complexities of sex crime cases and the specific laws in Oklahoma. Sex crimes are different than most other crimes. This is not just because of the serious sentencing you face but also discovery rules and other procedures are stricter and more nuanced.

Preserve Evidence and Gather Information

Collect and preserve any evidence that may support your case. This can include text messages, emails, social media interactions, and any other relevant communications. Also, write down your recollection of events as soon as possible while details are fresh in your mind.

Avoid Contact with the Alleged Victim

Do not attempt to contact the alleged victim or witnesses in the case. For example, any attempt to communicate can be construed as intimidation or harassment. This could lead to additional charges and complications in your case. If the Police get wind that you contact a witness you will be in big trouble. Sometimes accused people think that if they contact the victim they can straighten out what’s maybe a misunderstanding. Don’t fall prey to this kind of thinking. Stay away and stay cal.

Follow Your Attorney’s Advice

Your attorney will provide specific guidance tailored to your situation. Follow their advice closely, including what to say and do during the investigation and court proceedings. They may advise you to refrain from certain activities or interactions that could negatively impact your defense.

Understand the Charges and Potential Penalties

Sex crimes cover a wide range of offenses, each with different legal definitions and penalties. Common sex crimes in Oklahoma include:

Penalties for these crimes can be severe, including lengthy prison sentences, mandatory registration as a sex offender, and significant fines. Further, understanding the specific charges against you is crucial for preparing your defense.

Prepare for Pre-trial Proceedings

If you receive a charge of a sex crime, you are definitely charged with a felony. In all felony cases there are several steps you will go through if and before you go to trial. Further, there will be several pre-trial proceedings, including arraignment, bail hearings, and preliminary hearings and other pre-trial motions. Your sex crime criminal defense attorney will represent you in these hearings, advocating for your best interests. Further, prepare to attend these proceedings and follow your attorney’s guidance.

Sex Crime Criminal Defense in Tulsa

Being charged with a sex crime in Oklahoma is a daunting experience. However, taking the right steps can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. By remaining calm, securing experienced legal representation, and carefully following your attorney’s advice, you can effectively navigate the legal system and protect your rights. For a free and confidential with sex crime attorney in Oklahoma call our Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Law Firm at 918-416-0358. Or you can follow this link to ask an online legal question.