What Is Post-Conviction Relief in a Criminal Case in Oklahoma?

Post-Conviction Relief

Post conviction relief is a legal option you have if you were convicted of a crime in Oklahoma and believe there was a mistake in how your trial was handled or your rights were violated. This process allows you to seek a review of your conviction and sentencing after your direct appeals have been exhausted. This might mean arguing that your trial lawyer did an unreasonable job, new evidence has come to light, or your trial was not conducted fairly according to the law.

Post-Conviction Procedure Act

The Post-Conviction Procedure Act allows anyone convicted of or sentenced for a crime to challenge their conviction or sentence if they believe it was unconstitutional, beyond the court’s authority, excessively harsh, or if new crucial evidence has emerged. It also covers cases where the individual’s sentence has ended, or their release conditions were unfairly revoked, and any other legal errors that could be contested before. This law lets them seek correction of these issues in the same court that issued the original sentence, replacing previous methods of legal challenge.

The Process of Seeking Post-Conviction Relief

The first step is to file a petition/application for post-conviction relief in the district court where you were convicted. This must be done within one year of the conviction date. The one year period begins to run from different times depending on the circumstances. Its also a bit different than is an actual criminal appeal which requires the appeal to be filed within a much shorter timer period. This petition should clearly state the reasons why you believe your conviction or sentence should be overturned or modified. It’s important to provide as much relevant information and evidence as possible to support your claims.

Once you file your petition, the court will review the arguments and evidence you have presented. The court may deny your petition without a hearing if it finds your claims to be without merit. However, if your petition raises significant issues, the court may schedule a hearing to allow further exploration of the facts.

Challenges in the Post-Conviction Relief Process

Seeking post-conviction relief can be a challenging process. The burden is on you to prove that there were legal errors that significantly affected the outcome of your trial. This often requires gathering new evidence, which can be difficult, especially if a significant amount of time has passed since your original trial.

What Happens If Your Petition Is Granted?

If your petition for post-conviction relief is successful, the court may order a new trial. You can potentially modify your sentence, or even dismiss the charges against you. This all depends on the nature of the error and how it affected your case. However, a granted petition doesn’t automatically mean you will be acquitted. Rather, it simply means you get another chance to present your case, this time hopefully without the errors.

Successful post-conviction relief can have a profound impact on your life. It can offer a chance to overturn unjust convictions and correct sentences that were not fairly imposed. For many, it represents an opportunity to seek justice when all other legal options have been exhausted.

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Tulsa Post-Conviction Lawyer | Appeals Attorney

Post conviction relief is a critical part of the criminal justice system in Oklahoma. It helps provide a way to address serious errors that could lead to wrongful convictions. While it’s a complex and challenging process, understanding how it works can help you see the possibilities available for you. A Tulsa criminal defense lawyer can help if you think your trial had errors or new facts have come up. Call Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Law Firm at (918) 416-0358 or contact us online for a consultation with a felony criminal defense attorney.