Domestic Abuse Crimes in Tulsa Oklahoma

First and Second Degree Rape

Domestic abuse crimes in Tulsa mirror many of the cases found throughout Oklahoma. Its a crime that occurs most often in the context of partners fighting or otherwise causing harm to each other. The crime can be enhanced depending on the degree of injury or if it was done in the presence of a minor child. The Courts in Oklahoma prosecute people charged with the crime and usually seek maximum sentences under the law. Currently the State of Oklahoma is caught between two different beliefs. One belief is that if the crime is non-violent than criminal defense reform should reduce prosecutions. On the other hand there’s a group of victim advocates pushing the legislature to apply maximum sentences to people convicted of domestic abuse crimes.

Oklahoma’s Domestic Abuse Laws

Domestic Abuse Crimes in Tulsa Oklahoma are found under Title 21 §644(c).  First, domestic abuse must be an assault or battery of some type.  Next, it must be against a specific type of person.  If you commit assault and battery against any of the following people, then you are committing domestic abuse:

– Spouses, former spouses

– Romantic partners

– Someone with whom you co-parent a child

– Family members or people living in the household (minors or adults)

– New romantic partners of your ex-partner


Domestic Abuse and Legal Consequences

Domestic abuse begins as a misdemeanor crime.  Generally, Oklahoma puishes misdemeanors with a potential one year jail sentence and possible fines reaching $5,000.  You may either face a fine or a jail term or both if the situation is severe enough.

A second offense is a felony crime.  Felonies require harsher punishments.  Jail terms may reach 4 years and fines can still be $5,000.  Felonies become part of your permanent record.  Thus, they will require a pardon or expungement to remove them.  This could cost you in your custody battles and will also keep you from having firearm privileges.

Domestic Abuse Lawyers

If you face accusations of domestic violence, give our criminal attorneys in Tulsa a call for legal support.  We have years of case experience representing clients who have also been wrongly accused of assault and battery or other domestic violence crimes.  Let us defend you and your reputation.  Your first consultation is free.