Possession of an Open Container In Oklahoma

Possession of an Open Container

In March of 2019, Owasso police arrested two men in their twenties for reckless driving and other traffic offenses, including possession of an open container.  The men were driving at high speeds during rush hour when they made an attempt to take an off ramp at Hwy. 169 and 96th St. North.  Their vehicle flipped off of the ramp and rolled into a drainage ditch.  Naturally, possible jail time and fines are likely in this situation.  But how much of the punishment is a result of the… Read More

How Long Can My Jailtime Be For A Bench Warrant in Oklahoma

Jailtime for Bench Warrant

Many ask about the length of jailtime for a bench warrant. In Oklahoma, a bench warrant is issued when you fail to appear in court or comply with court orders. This gives law enforcement the authority to arrest you and bring you before the court. The length of jail time resulting from a bench warrant depends on the reason the warrant was issued. It also depends on the severity of the underlying offense, and whether you are charged with additional crimes. Bench Warrants for Misdemeanor Offenses If… Read More

What Is Implied Consent To Search My Car Or Home in Oklahoma

Jailed for Speeding in School Zone

Implied consent is a legal concept referring to situations where consent to a search is inferred from a person’s actions or the circumstances, rather than explicitly given. This is common in DUI laws, where drivers have implicitly agreed to submit to breathalyzer tests by driving. Knowing your rights and the limitations of law enforcement can help you protect your privacy and respond appropriately in various situations. Implied Consent in Vehicle Searches It is said in the law that your right to privacy is lower in a vehicle… Read More

What Is Considered Felony Speeding In Tulsa

Felony Speeding

Felony speeding is a severe and dangerous crime in Oklahoma. Speeding is generally classified as a traffic violation and is typically a misdemeanor. However, in certain circumstances, speeding can escalate to a felony offense, carrying much harsher penalties. Understanding what constitutes felony speeding in Tulsa, and the potential legal consequences, is important for all drivers. Definition and Circumstances of Felony Speeding In Tulsa, Oklahoma, speeding alone is usually not classified as a felony. However, certain aggravating factors can elevate a speeding offense to a felony. Common scenarios… Read More

Understanding Speeding in a School Zone Tickets in Oklahoma: Consequences and Defenses

Speeding in a School Zone Tickets

Speeding in a School Zone Tickets in Oklahoma are much more severe than normal speeding tickets. Speeding tickets are a common occurrence on the roads of Oklahoma. But when they occur in school zones, the consequences can be more severe. School zones are designated areas where the safety of children is of utmost importance. This kind of traffic offense like reckless driving tickets are aggressively enforced by the Police. This is why speeding violations in these zones are treated with greater seriousness by law enforcement. Its critical… Read More

Exactly What Is Reckless Driving in Oklahoma

Application to Revoke or Accelerate

Reckless driving in Oklahoma is a serious traffic offense. Its the kind of traffic offense that can have significant legal consequences. Not only can it cause your insurance to skyrocket a reckless driving conviction can hurt employment opportunities and cost you your freedom. In this article, we will explore what the State must prove for a reckless driving conviction, common defenses, and some potential punishments. Reckless Driving in Oklahoma Explained In Oklahoma, the law defines reckless driving using broad terms that allow certain discretion in its application…. Read More

Road Rage Crimes in Oklahoma Explained

False Declaration of Ownership

Road rage crimes in Oklahoma are not really criminal in and of themselves. In Oklahoma, as in many other jurisdictions, “road rage” itself may not be a specific criminal offense. Instead, road rage refers to aggressive or violent behavior exhibited by drivers on the road. We all understand road rage and have probably been on both sides of the rage. It’s not uncommon for a person to be in traffic on a stressful day when someone cuts someone else off. In the wrong circumstances, this kind of… Read More

What Are The Consequences Of Not Paying Traffic Tickets In Oklahoma?

Receiving Stolen Property charges

Not Paying Traffic Tickets In Oklahoma can make what was a difficult situation more painful. Getting pulled over when driving can be a stressful experience on its own. No one enjoys seeing the red and blue lights flashing behind their car. When you get a traffic ticket on top of being stopped by a police officer, you may not know how to proceed. Your traffic ticket will disclose whether you are required to go to court or pay a fine. An misdemeanor attorney can represent you in… Read More