Understanding Speeding in a School Zone Tickets in Oklahoma: Consequences and Defenses

Speeding in a School Zone Tickets

Speeding in a School Zone Tickets in Oklahoma are much more severe than normal speeding tickets. Speeding tickets are a common occurrence on the roads of Oklahoma. But when they occur in school zones, the consequences can be more severe. School zones are designated areas where the safety of children is of utmost importance. This kind of traffic offense like reckless driving tickets are aggressively enforced by the Police. This is why speeding violations in these zones are treated with greater seriousness by law enforcement. Its critical that before you plead guilty by plea agreement or by paying the fine that you understand the gravity of the ticket.

Speeding In School Zone Tickets and Potential Punishment

Speeding in a school zone in Oklahoma typically carries harsher penalties compared to speeding in other areas. The exact consequences can vary depending on factors such as the speed at which the driver was traveling and whether there were any aggravating circumstances involved. However, common consequences of receiving a speeding ticket in a school zone include:

  1. Fines: The fines for speeding in a school zone are often higher than for regular speeding violations. In Oklahoma, these fines can range from several hundred to over a thousand dollars, depending on the severity of the offense. Its critical that you pay the fines or the state will suspend your license.
  2. Points on Driver’s License: Conviction for speeding in a school zone usually results in points being added to the driver’s license. Accumulating too many points within a certain period can lead to license suspension or other administrative penalties.
  3. Increased Insurance Rates: A speeding ticket in a school zone can also lead to higher insurance premiums. Insurance companies often view such violations as indicative of risky driving behavior and may adjust rates accordingly.
  4. Mandatory Traffic School: In some cases, a court may require the driver to attend traffic school as part of their penalty for speeding in a school zone. Completing the course may help mitigate the consequences of the violation.

Possible Defenses To Speeding in a School Zone

While receiving a speeding ticket in a school zone may seem like an open-and-shut case, there are potential defenses that a driver can explore with the help of a qualified attorney. Some common defenses include:

  1. Lack of Proper Signage: School zones must be clearly marked with signs indicating the reduced speed limit. If the signage was unclear or absent, it could be argued that the driver did not have adequate notice of the speed limit and therefore cannot be held responsible for speeding.
  2. Emergency Situation: If the driver was speeding due to a genuine emergency, such as rushing to the hospital or avoiding a collision, they may be able to present evidence supporting their situation in court.
  3. Radar Calibration Issues: Law enforcement officers often use radar devices to measure vehicle speeds. If there are doubts about the accuracy or calibration of the radar device used to determine the driver’s speed, this could be grounds for challenging the ticket.
  4. Mistaken Identity. In some cases, the driver may not have been the one operating the vehicle at the time of the violation. If there is evidence to support a case of mistaken identity, such as a different individual driving the vehicle, this defense could be pursued.

I Got The Ticket Now What

First thing to do is stay calm. Accept the ticket from the Traffic officer that wrote you the ticket. Its aggravating but take the ticket from the Police officer and go on your way. The ticket will have a court date on it. You have to appear or pay a fine by that date. When you call a traffic court attorney in Tulsa they begin the case by entering their appearance in the case. Provided you are represented your attorney appears for you the first date. They enter a not guilty plea and set it for a conference. Prior to the conference they get all the evidence from the city or state prosecutors. By using this evidence they will try to get the speeding in a school zone tickets dismissed or amended to a lesser violation.

Tulsa Speeding Ticket Lawyers

Receiving a Speeding in a School Zone Tickets in Oklahoma have significant consequences. Those include hefty fines, points on the driver’s license, increased insurance rates, and mandatory traffic school. However, drivers facing such charges should not lose hope, as there are potential defenses that can be explored. Traffic tickets are issued all the time and most leave the accused with defenses and other explanations. If you’ve gotten speeding in a school zone tickets get a free consultation with one of our Tulsa speeding ticket lawyers. Call the Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Law Firm at 918.416-0358. Or you can click this link to ask a free online criminal defense question.