Defining Federal White Collar Crime in Oklahoma

False Declaration of Ownership

A federal white collar crime refers to a non-violent criminal offense committed for financial gain,. Typically this kind of crime involves deception, fraud, or violation of trust, and prosecuted in federal courts under federal law. These crimes often involve individuals or corporations in positions of authority. This includes executives, professionals, or government officials, and they usually have significant financial implications. Because federal white collar crimes are crimes that often times involve violations of trust federal prosecutors are aggressive in their prosecution of this crime. Examples of Federal… Read More

What Is A Dui Field Sobriety Test and Can I beat a Dui Based On This in Oklahoma

Dui Field Sobriety Test

In Oklahoma a DUI field sobriety test is a series of physical and cognitive tests administered by law enforcement officers to assess a driver’s level of impairment due to alcohol or drugs. The officer typically conducts these tests roadside, often after a traffic stop, to help determine whether there is probable cause to believe a driver is under the influence. The officers testing you have a requirement to be trained and are supposed to meet national standards. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recognizes this training…. Read More

What Is Double Jeopardy In Criminal Defense Cases in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, understanding the concept of double jeopardy is important, especially if you’ve been involved in a criminal matter. It’s a term you might have heard in movies or on TV, but what does it actually mean for you, particularly if you’re a victim of a crime or seeking justice? We provide clarification on this issue below. What Is Double Jeopardy? It’s important to know double jeopardy is a legal concept rooted in the U.S. Constitution. Under the Fifth Amendment. This rule prohibits anyone from being prosecuted… Read More

What Are The Degrees Of Robbery Crimes In Oklahoma

Robbery crimes

In Oklahoma, robbery crimes are categorized into different degrees based on the severity of the offense and other various factors. Both first and second degree robbery are serious crimes that can land you in jail for a considerable time. Which degree they charge you under makes a big difference. Sometimes this is where considerable arguments occur between your attorney and the prosecutor in the county you receive the charge in. Here are the degrees of robbery crimes in Oklahoma: First-Degree Robbery in Oklahoma: First-degree robbery charges are… Read More

What Is The Crime Of Arson and Its Degrees In Oklahoma

Embezzlement Charges

In Oklahoma, arson and its degrees is defined as the willful and malicious burning of a building, structure, or property. The severity of the crime and its classification into degrees depend on various factors. This includes the extent of damage, the presence of individuals in the structure, and the intent behind the act. Arson as a crime in Oklahoma is very serious and can land the accused in jail for an extended time. The thing about arson and its degrees is that because it has several different… Read More

What Is Domestic Assault In The Presence of A Minor in Oklahoma

Assault In The Presence of A Minor

In Oklahoma, domestic assault in the presence of a minor occurs when an individual commits an assault or battery against a family or household member in the presence of a child who is under the age of 16. This can include acts of physical violence, threats of violence, or any behavior that creates a fear of imminent harm. Regarding the law of assault and battery this law has many types of variations and potential levels of punishment if convicted of the crime. From simple misdemeanor charges to… Read More

Navigating DUI Defense Strategies in Oklahoma

DUI Defense

Navigating DUI Defense Strategies is about having serious conversations with your criminal defense attorney. We al know that facing a DUI charge in Oklahoma can be daunting, but understanding your defense options is important. As a defendant in a DUI case you have to consider the strength of the States case and potential consequences to you if convicted. Those considerations must also take in to account if the DUI will impact your job and whether the DUI you are facing is a felony or a misdemeanor. This… Read More

Things To Know About Obstructing an Officer Charges in Oklahoma

Charged with a Sex Crime

Obstructing an officer charges in Oklahoma typically refer to actions or behaviors that hinder or interfere with law enforcement officers or other authorities while they are performing their official duties. Generally the charge can grow out of simply getting in the way of a criminal investigation or any action made by the Police acting in their official capacity. The Police use this charge broadly and have the tendency to overcharge it. Obstruction of justice is a criminal offense in Oklahoma, and the specific penalties can vary depending… Read More

What is A Resisting Arrest Charge in Tulsa Oklahoma

Fourth Amendment Search or Seizure

In Oklahoma, a resisting arrest charge is typically classified as a misdemeanor, specifically a misdemeanor of the second degree. The specific statute that covers resisting arrest in Oklahoma is Title 21, Section 540 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Under this law, it is illegal to knowingly resist, by force or violence, an arrest, attempts at arrest, or detention by a law enforcement officer. This kind of charge can grow out of a simple interaction with Police that goes bad. Perhaps the Police officer at the scene treated the… Read More

How Does DOC Sentencing Work In Oklahoma Criminal Convictions

Domestic Violence And Immigration

DOC sentencing works much different than time served in a federal prison or in a county jail. In Oklahoma, the length of a Department of Corrections (DOC) sentence can vary widely depending on the specific crime committed. Other factors like prior criminal history and how serious the crime is will impact they length and kind of DOC sentence a person serves. There are Oklahoma sentencing guidelines that must be implemented for each type of crime. Its critical that before you move forward with your criminal defense you… Read More